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"It Is Not a Crime to Be a Good Person"

Jan. 19, 2000 |   Practitioner in China

On January 12, 2000, the Court of Chang-an District, Shi-jia-zhuang City put Falun Gong practitioner, Ms. Liang Ye-ning, on a show trial. Although a poster outside the Court claimed that people from all walks of life were "welcome" to audit the trial, many practitioners had received a notice from their supervisors that they were not allowed to take a leave from their work to attend the trial. On that day, it was snowing. The police dispelled more than 50 people who attempted to audit the trail to 20 meters away from the Court. The show-trial lasted for only one and a half hours. The following was a description of the show-trial by those who managed to audit the trial.

Liang Ye-ning had been detained for more than 3 months before she was put on the show-trial. She faced the groundless accusations against her with ease and peace. She did not appeal for herself at all, as it was no use in such a show-trial. At the end of the trial, the judge allowed her to make a final statement. She had been interrupted for three times by the judge when she was making her statements, which lasted for ten minutes. She was able to finish reading her statement with her iron will and determination.

She read, "I do not feel regretful for what I have done, which is what I should have done. I do not appeal for myself. However, I want to speak out for Falun Dafa and Teacher Li Hongzhi."

"Falun Dafa teaches us to follow the supreme quality of the universe, Truthfulness, Benevolence and Forbearance. Practitioners have no interest in political powers. Teacher Li Hongzhi teaches us to become good people and become even better and better people. The government's propaganda is not truthful. It is wrong for the government to defame Falun Gong as a "cult".

"Why are there so many practitioners going to Beijing to appeal, although they know beforehand that they will suffer inhumane mistreatments? They appeal to the government to rescind the arrest warrant for Teacher Li Hongzhi, to allow Falun Dafa a lenient environment, and to grant legal publication of books of Falun Dafa."

"I love my country. I hope my country will become prosperous. Even if I were to be sentenced to 20 years in jail, I will still go to appeal after 20 years."

"I love my family. I love my 2 and a half years old son. Please tell my family not to feel sorry for me."

"It is not a crime to be a good person. Others can deprive my personal freedom but not my belief in Falun Dafa. Isn't it good if there are more good people? ..."

"At last, I want to say from the bottom of my heart: Falun Dafa is righteous, the persecutions against Falun Dafa are wrong.

"Falun Dafa is perfecting practitioners in the current difficult situation. There are many other practitioners like Ms. Liang Ye-ning who have completely given up their attachments and are willing to sacrifice their most precious lives for the truth of the universe.

Provided by Practitioner in China

January 16, 2000