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Sixty year-old woman beaten to death in Sichuan Province

Oct. 20, 2000

Wang Yuru, a sixty-year-old farmer from the south side of Qu County in Sichuan Province, was sent back to the Qu county detention center in late January of this year because she went to Beijing to appeal to the Chinese government.

On February 4, the police tried to force her to write a promise stating that she would never practice Falun Gong. She firmly refused this request. As a result, the police beat her badly, trying to force her to write the promise. Faced with such evil despotic power, Wang endured the enormous pain and told them that she would still practice Falun Gong even if she were beaten to death. Later, Wang really was beaten to death.

After examining Wang's body, the legal medical expert ascertained that the death was due to injury to her heart caused by beating.

Two other practitioners were also persecuted to death at the Qu county detention center. Before Wang's death, farmer Miu Qun suffocated to death because the police inserted the pipe into her trachea instead of her throat when force-feeding her.

Liu Xianzhu, a farmer of over 50 years old also from the south side of Qu county, went together with Wang Yuru to appeal. He was beaten so cruelly that his entire lower body was disabled and he lost the ability to control his bladder and to take care of himself.

The government officials of Sichuan Province did not even pay any attention to these crimes.