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A Martyr's Poem: Embracing the New Epoch

Oct. 31, 2000

Practitioner Wang Bin was beaten to death because he refused to give up his belief. For details, please read "NEWS FROM CHINA 10/11/00". He left a poem that will forever encourage his fellow practitioners.


Embracing the New Epoch

By Wang Bin

As the rising wind billows the sea, heavy sprays obscure the sky.

With eyes lost in the maze, it is hard to distinguish between wrong and right.

As the mud and sand are completely sifted,

A firm heart is manifested.

Fellow practitioners, as long as you are resolute in mind,

You will be unafraid of tribulations of any kind.

Although demons are dancing in riotous revelry,

Their rampancy is only temporary.

With your wisdom eyes you can dispel the clouds and breakthrough the hindrance,

Your old look will soon be renewed with a new appearance.

October 28, 2000