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News from Front Lines

Oct. 31, 2000

[Changchun, Jilin Province] Many veteran practitioners went to Tiananmen Square on October 26 [China] Many practitioners arrested on the National Day in Tiananmen Square haven't been released yet [Xinjiang Province] Xinjiang authority escalates persecution of Dafa practitioners [Harbin, Heilongjiang Province] Du Weihua, a Harbin Industrial University faculty member, has been detained since being arrested on October 1 in Beijing [Fangshan, Beijing] The practitioners were sent to labor camps [Jiangxi Province] Brief report of persecution against practitioners [Shenzhen, Guangdong Province] A brief report of persecution of Shenzhen practitioners [Fangshan, Beijing] Four retribution examples of consequences from persecuting Falun Gong practitioners [Changchun, Jilin Province] Many veteran practitioners went to Tiananmen Square on October 26 Among the practitioners peacefully appealing in the Tiananmen Square on October 26, some are from Changchun. Many of them are veteran practitioners and those who stepped forward for the first time. From the previous experience sharing conference, they had realized their attachments and improved their understandings. They had been actively involved in telling people the truth of Falun Gong, distributing and posting materials. They enlightened, however, that their activities were only a process of letting go of the fear, and that they should go to Tiananmen Square to validate the Fa. One practitioner said before departing: "The future is unimaginably magnificent, but the mighty virtue cannot be established without sacrifice and suffering." [China] Many practitioners arrested on the National Day in Tiananmen Square haven't been released yet Sun Xuebing is a graduate student in the Department of Mechanics at Beijing Industrial and Business University. He went to Tiananmen Square on October 1 to appeal peacefully. Police searched his dormitory and took him away. Nobody knows his whereabouts now. In many places of Shandong Province, practitioners who went to Beijing to appeal on National Day have not yet been released. Some of them are kept in the Transformation Class, and some are detained. According to some personnel from the police substation, this is due to a new nationwide policy. There could be some further persecution against Falun Gong at the end of this month. [Xinjiang Province] Xinjiang authority escalates persecution of Dafa practitioners Starting this October, Xinjiang authority has escalated their persecution of Dafa practitioners. Any practitioner who distributes, holds or carries materials that disclose how Jiang Zemin and his accomplices brutally persecute Dafa practitioners will be immediately sent to labor camp without any legal procedure. People are starting to suspect and disprove the rumors from the state media. They don't believe them anymore. One official from a law-enforcement office told a Dafa practitioner of his work unit, "We know that you are a good officer, but our country is not ruled by law. Power is the greater law. It is actually feudalistic autocracy." Lately, the police came to search and arrest at midnight. They arrested practitioners without any reason after entering their homes. They also searched practitioners' homes. If they find any materials, they would arrest them. If they cannot find any materials, they would plant materials and use that as evidence to arrest practitioners. [Harbin, Heilongjiang Province] Du Weihua, a Harbin Industrial University faculty member, has been detained since being arrested on October 1 in Beijing Du Weihua, male, 33 years old, is a Communist Party member and a faculty at Harbin Industrial University. He is from Tieling, Liaoning Province. He had worked in Universitat Bielefeld, Germany and Technische Universitat M pplainchen, Germany as a post-doc. He came back to China in May 2000. He was arrested on October 1 in Beijing and has been detained since. Meanwhile, Harbin public security bureau has requested that all work places that have computers or copy machines, regardless of their size, must write a pledge that they will not visit Dafa websites or copy Dafa materials. The chief officer of the work unit must sign the pledge and take responsibility. They also posted notices in the Internet cafe that says, "Do not visit Falun Dafa websites." [Fangshan, Beijing] The practitioners in Fangshan who have been sent to labor camps are Zhang Guangfang, female; Zhao Lianzhong, male; Cui Cunzhong, male; Ren Guoxian, female; and Li Shuwen, female. [Jiangxi Province] Brief report of persecution against practitioners in Jiangxi Province 1. Li Zhengming (pseudonym), male, 63 years old, resident of Xihu district, Nanchang city. On October 5, 2000, the police from Kuaizixiang substation of Xihu district tricked him into coming out and then jailed him. His home was also ransacked but no Dafa materials were found. Phone numbers of Xihu police substation, Nanchang city: Office: 011-86-791-622-3096 Committee of discipline: 011-86-791-621-7668 Brigade of Punishment-Investigation (the leader): 011-86-791-6264381 Kuaizixiang police substation: 011-86-791- 6627155, 011-86-791-6637549 2. Xiao Guangyuan, male, 36 years old, a teacher in Nanchang Forest School. He went to Beijing to protect the Fa on July 22, 1999, and was arrested in November 1999. He was jailed in Nanchang First Detention Center for nine months. His mother became very sad for he was her only son. She got sick and died in June 2000. She was only in her fifties. Xiao was not allowed to see his mother even in her last minute. He was sentenced to three years in jail on September 1. 3. Xu Wenjun, female, 41 years old, went to Beijing on July 22, 1999, and was arrested in November. She has been detained at three detention centers. First, she was detained in Nanchang First Detention Center, where she started a hunger strike to protect Dafa books and suffered brutal beatings by the cadres in the detention center. She was cuffed (hands and feet were cuffed together) and could not take care of herself, walk or sleep. Later, Xu was transferred to Nanchang Second Detention Center. Since her detention period had been eight months longer than that stipulated by law, she started her second hunger strike, and appealed for her innocence and release. Her relatives bailed her out after a ten-day hunger strike. Xu was arrested again less than one month later, and she was sentenced to three years in jail on September 1.

4. Wang Jing (pseudonym), female, 42 years old, an employee of Nanchang Real Estate Company. She intended to tell the real situation of Falun Gong to the government but was arrested as soon as she arrived at Tiananmen Square. She witnessed the "people's policemen" beating, cursing and torturing the kind-hearted Dafa practitioners. She could not believe that these were the "people's policemen" that she respected during her teenage years. The police said shamelessly while torturing the practitioners: "The 'truthfulness' you believe in is foolish, your 'compassion' is bad. See how handsome we bad people live? However, without our evil, your compassion will not be reflected." Several policewomen asked practitioners to take out all their money. When they arrived in Nanchang, the police told practitioners' relatives to bring them home but they would have to pay one thousand Yuan for each practitioner. Aren't these people kidnappers? Wang Jing was arrested again on May 8, 2000. Her office was ransacked. She has been jailed in Nanchang Second Detention Center for 55 days. She was bailed out by her relatives after hunger strike. Her work unit did not allow her to work, nor did they pay her any money, because she refused to write the pledge letter to renounce Dafa. 5. Li Ping (pseudonym), female, 39 years old, an employee of Ganjiang Special Training College. She went to Beijing in October 1999, and was arrested in Beijing. She was jailed in Nanchang Third Detention Center. Because she practiced in the detention center, she had to wear a 53-pound handcuff. She was released 24 days later, but her work unit did not allow her to resume work. She has no income since then. She was arrested again on March 29 because of practicing outside, and was detained for 30 days. But every time, the release certificate always indicated that she was detained for 15 days"". 6. Huang Liqiong, female, 63 years old, senior engineer in Jiangxi Earth Bureau. She was arrested after going to Beijing to appeal on October 25, 1999. She was imprisoned in the Third Detention Center for 24 days. She was imprisoned three times during one year抯 process of protecting Dafa. She was sentenced to three years of labor education.

7. Liu Li (pseudonym), female, 63 years old, was retired from the Nanchang Branch of Chinese Agricultural Bank. She became healthier after practicing Falun Gong and for five years she had not spend a single penny of medical fee provided by the government. In 1994, she gave her own apartment to the work unit to help coworkers who needed an apartment. In 1998, she donated 2,100 Yuan to the Civil Administration Bureau to help flood victims and signed the donation as "a Falun Dafa practitioner." After going to Beijing to appeal, she was taken back by airplane and was forced to pay 8,800 Yuan (about $1,100, about 9 monthes average wage) for 7 airline tickets. However, she just got a receipt of 6,580 Yuan. 8. Yang Jing (pseudonym), female, 33 years old, is a practitioner from Xinjian county. She has been insisting on practicing Falun Gong. When she was asked whether she still practices, she answered, " Yes." So the work unit forcefully confiscated her apartment and tossed out all her furniture. She also lost her job. Now Yang Jing is homeless with her 7-year-old son. [Shenzhen, Guangdong Province] A brief report of persecution of Shenzhen practitioners 1. Practitioner Li Wenxiu (pseudonym) had gone to file appeals twice. She was once detained for 15 days because she attended a group study. Later, she was sentenced to 2 years in labor camp. Her mother and sister went to visit her but were not allowed to see her simply because she practices Falun Gong. 2. The evil deeds of Nanshan District police substation Practitioner Zhang Ming (pseudonym) was detained on June 13 by the Nanshan District police substation when he was sharing experiences with other practitioners. He has not been released yet. A 5-year-old child was detained with his father for more than 24 hours. Two other practitioners went to the police substation to try taking back the confiscated books. They were fined 250 Yuan and 800 Yuan, respectively. They were also beaten and had wounds all over their bodies. Nanshan District police substation ransacked the homes of several Dafa practitioners on June 13. They took away all the Dafa books, Master Li's pictures, cassettes, tape recorders, cell phones, etc. They also forced practitioners to move out of their rental apartments and made them wander about without a place to live. Shenzhen Nanshan District still detains over a dozen Dafa practitioners. It is said that they will not be released until they slander and denounce Dafa in writing. Most of them were detained without cause and have been there for over a month. They would be beaten if they practice. 3. Practitioner Liu Yufeng and Wang Xiaodong, a couple, were fired from work because they went to appeal. They were forced to move out of the apartment within a few days. Wang Xiaodong was injured in jail and got 28 stitches. She has been sentenced to 1 year in labor camp. She is severely injured both physically and mentally. 4. Practitioner Zhao Jun (pseudonym) was taken away by the Nantou police substation without reason on June 30. She was detained for more then 40 days. Zhao Jun, who is over 60 years old, was later forced to leave Shenzhen. Before she was detained, there was plainclothes police following her and she lost her freedom for months. Her home was also ransacked during that period. 5. Practitioner Zhou Wenping (pseudonym) was detained without reason in July and was released after half a month. [Fangshan, Beijing] Four retribution examples of consequences from persecuting Falun Gong practitioners 1. Sun Zhenying, female, is the manager of Shunfa Shopping Center in the suburb of Fangshan county, Beijing. She is in charge of the transformation work in South Street. One day in September, she swore at Mr. Li Hongzhi in front of a Dafa practitioner. Whenever this practitioner said something, she would swear in a very vulgar language. This practitioner thus stopped speaking with her since she would not listen. Eight days later, Sun was beaten by a man. The bridge of her nose was broken; she also received over ten stitches in her neck in the hospital because of the beating. Sun is hospitalized till now. 2. Li Dechun, male, 26 years old, is the Security Chief of Kaiguzhuang Village at Yanchun Town in Fangshan County. He often went to practitioners' home to arrest people and confiscate properties as well as report to the police department. He died suddenly in May 2000. 3. Zheng Dahong, male, is a security officer in Guce Village in the suburb of Fangshan County. One day in early August 2000, while he went out to arrest a practitioner, he sprained and shattered the bones in his feet. 4. Zhi Dongzhi, male, is a security officer in Hongshi Village in the suburb of Fangshan County. He went to Beijing to arrest people but didn't find any. After coming back, he had a meal that cost 350 Yuan (about $40, more than a half month average wage). He was going to get the money from a practitioner, but he was hit by a motorcycle and his ribs were broken. He realized that this is the consequence from prosecuting Dafa practitioners.