Falun Dafa Minghui.org www.minghui.org PRINT

FFWD (Fast Forward Weekly) Calgary's news and entertainment Weekly Oct 26-Nov 1, 2000

Oct. 31, 2000

Oct 26-Nov 1, 2000 [10/31/00]

Falun Gong follower fighting to preserve ancient tradition

Stacey Hogan

A local follower of a traditional practice from China known as Falun Gong, which is banned in its country of origin, says the ancient exercise offers spiritual enlightenment and he hopes to share the experience with others.

"I have found the true meaning of my life," says Kai Liu, who is currently running a series of free seminars.

Falun Gong cultivates mind, body and spirit. Liu says participants find it to be simple and effective in physical and mental well-being - they are able to live in greater harmony with themselves and society.

During his workshops, attendants will learn the history of mediation, self-healing, modern medicine, supernatural powers, and more.

"If you do the exercise, you collect energy", says Liu. "I have benefited from its effectiveness, so I offer it for free".

Almost entirely through word of mouth, Falun Gong has spread to over 40 countries and is practiced by an estimated 70 million to 100 million people from all walks of life.

Because he has no funding, Liu has to hold the workshops in his apartment. The first night he had 10 people attend, but he hopes for more during the week.

"The first lecture in China in 1992 had only 50 people," he says, "And now it has grown to over 100 million."

That growth is despite the position of the Chinese communist government - Liu says the increased popularity of Falun Gong is perceived as a serious threat to the regime. Canadian practitioners believe it's important to reveal the truth about Falun Gong and have been actively involved in helping the public gain better understanding of it.

Liu also holds weekly sessions in Prince's Island Park, usually Sundays from 9:30 a.m. to around 11 a.m., and the public is welcome to join.

He has been practicing Falun Gong for more than a year and believes it has completely changed his life. While he doesn't guarantee fulfillment for everyone, he hopes that those who attend will have an increase in virtue and energy.

"I don't want people's money," he said, "I want to help people improve themselves and feel how I feel everyday."

For more information call Kai Liu at 244-5825.

With one photo: "Kai Liu (front) leads a Falun Gong session at Prince's Park"