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AFP(via SCMP): Police wade into [group] followers as protests continue

Oct. 31, 2000

Monday, October 30, 2000

Protesters from the banned Falun Gong movement trying to distribute leaflets in Tiananmen Square yesterday were kicked and beaten by police and dragged off in a police van. Five women and two men were taken away after some shouted "Falun Gong is good". Several refused arrest and had to be carried struggling into the van, while one police officer hit their backs with a baton.

The protesters were hurling leaflets into the air as police frantically tried to collect them before they were picked up by onlookers.

The leaflets were carrying anti-government news [...].

The leaflet claimed that the crackdown on the movement had been decided unilaterally by President Jiang Zemin and that other leaders such as Mr Zhu and Vice-President Hu Jintao had not been in favour of taking such a tough line.

An elderly man who appeared to be an innocent bystander was taken for a Falun Gong member and beaten on the back of the head. He was saved from arrest at the last minute by his wife.

The incident took place as crowds of local and foreign tourists looked on, prompting police to strip films from their cameras after the incident.

Loudspeakers in the square started blaring patriotic and military songs, while male and female officers urged onlookers to disperse. Security was tight, with police vans criss-crossing the square.

Police have been on the watch after two days of protests late last week when about 150 [group] members were detained.

The mainland's Draconian crackdown on the Falun Gong began after 10,000 followers stunned the leadership by demonstrating in central Beijing in April last year.