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Report: A Hong Fa Activity at the Chinese Consulate in Melbourne, Australia

Oct. 5, 2000

In response to the article written by Falun Dafa practitioners in China: "To Jiang Zemin: Stop this Reckless Behavior that is Disgracing China", and in order to urge the Jiang Zemin led regime to stop the massive arrests of Falun Dafa practitioners around China's National Day holidays, sixty Falun Dafa practitioners peacefully protested in front of the Chinese Consulate in Melbourne on September 28th and 29th.

Banners were unfurled in front of the Chinese Consulate at 10AM on September 29th, with the statements, "Falun Dafa-Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance," "Stop Persecuting Falun Gong," "Rescind Arrest Order of Master Li Hongzhi," "Release All Falun Gong Practitioners," and "Chinese Government: Peacefully Resolve Falun Gong Crisis." The hand-made funeral wreath was hung with the words; "Solemn mourning to Falun Dafa practitioners that died for their belief, in China." Dafa practitioners lined up in two rows and practiced the five sets of exercises to the melody of Falun Dafa music. The bright yellow T-Shirts they wore were striking under the blue sky.

Along with the activities, practitioners not only stood up firmly without being threatened by pressure from the Chinese Consulate, but also successfully gained support from the local police department and Federal Police Bureau. The truth-revealing posters and billboards were successfully displayed right in front of the main entrance to the Chinese Consulate. More important is that we have learned how to defend our rights legally, and realized that the righteous thoughts could overthrow all evil forces.

As expected, the Chinese Consulate started intervening and threatening us shortly after our posters and billboards were set up. They resorted to the security police guard, and tried to move us to the lawn on the other side of the street. Under pressure from the Chinese Consulate, policemen became anxious, and told us they would have to take action if we were not willing to move.

A western practitioner calmly said to the policemen, " We are peaceful and non-violent. Our actions are totally legal. Let's calm down and talk. We are not here to create troubles. We are here to inform the public about the facts about Falun Gong. This is a legitimate right of the public. Making the public aware of the situation is a Falun Gong practitioners' responsibility. The Chinese consulate doesn't want us to be here because they are afraid of the truth. It has also been confirmed by the Municipal Government's Counseling that our activity is under legal protection.

This practitioner's voice was so gentle, calm and solemn that the policemen's emotion was instantly relaxed, and the tensions dissolved. The policemen insisted that they were responsible for the public security of the Chinese Consulate and it would be their negligence if they didn't take action. The practitioner suggested they call their supervisor for advice. In the meantime, practitioners called the municipal government to inform them of the situation.

By the time the two officers from the local police department and Federal Police Bureau arrived, we had received a positive reply from the municipal government. It was confirmed that our activity had the official approval from the authority. The lawn and sidewalk outside the Chinese Consulate belongs to the Australia government and is subject to legitimate use by any Australian citizen. The two police officers, upon investigation into the situation and exchange with us, called for a meeting with the security policemen. Fifteen minutes later, the police officer from the Federal Police Bureau walked into the Chinese Consulate and announced their decision: "The peaceful demonstration by the Falun Gong practitioners is non-violent and protected by law. This is Australia, not China. " The officers also told us that as long as we didn't obstruct pedestrians or traffic, and cause a conflict with the Chinese Consulate, we could make use of the premises outside the Chinese Consulate Building including the main entrance.

We smiled and realized the power of righteousness in the battle between the good and the evil.

The first day of hongfa lasted until 6PM. The second day happened to celebrate China's 51st National Day. Over three hundred people were invited from the local communities, associations as well as Chinese student organizations to attend the party organized by the Chinese Consulate. Recognizing this great opportunity for hongfa, we decided to do hongfa activity one more day in front of the Chinese Consulate. We easily obtained permission from the local authorities. Other than the posters, photos, exhibitions and demonstrations of the five sets of exercises, practitioners also seized every opportunity to distribute flyers, specifically before and after the party. Two personnel from the Chinese Consulate were also standing at the main entrance watching. They tried to persuade us to leave the premises. But they couldn't even convince themselves with their ineffectual words. Practitioners continued presenting the opportunity of getting to know Falun Dafa to everybody.

People reacted differently when coming in contact with Falun Dafa. Some Chinese people took the flyers and immediately put them into their pockets and walked away as if nothing had happened. Some whispered to us" Will you be here for a while? Can we come back and get it?" Some people started reading while walking. Two young Chinese people were shocked by the truth: "It is absolutely incredible! The Chinese government is so brutal!" When a representative from the Chinese Chamber of Commerce gasped by what he saw from the photo exhibition about the bloody persecution, a police guard said to him" It is easy to see if it is true. Just put on a Yellow T-shirt and go to China and practice Falun Gong." People started laughing. A lady collected all kinds of hongfa material from us and told us that her husband stopped practicing Falun Gong in public since 4/25. She would tell him what she saw today and what was really going on in China. Another young woman walked up to us in a compassionate mood and said" I know Falun Gong. I know you all are good people. My younger sister who refused to renounce Falun Gong in Mainland China is also serving her sentence in jail now." A young gentleman in a suit smiled and told us he's got all the pamphlets and flyers by pointing to his full stuffed pocket. A practitioner handed another one to him and said" Please take a look at this one as well. " The young gentleman, moved by this practitioner's sincere and kindhearted smile, took the flyer and commented "You are really admirable! Truly admirable!" A western diplomat stopped walking after taking a flyer, patted me on my shoulder and asked seriously: "Tell me, what's really going on in China and why you are here." While I was calmly telling her the whole story, her two Chinese companions hinted at her to leave. This lady diplomat smiled and replied: "You may go first. I haven't finished my discussion with her." The two Chinese walked way with an embarrassed smile. The lady diplomat thanked us for our time and the explanation, and promised that she would read the newsletter carefully afterwards. Another western young man stopped his car in front of us and asked for a flyer. He said he was very impressed by our presence an hour ago when he drove by. He kept thinking of us and decided to come back to get a flyer. He wished us "good luck" when he left...

Although there were still many Chinese people who were afraid of taking our flyers and newsletters, we believed that our banners, open demonstration of the exercises, photo exhibit as well as the bravery and compassion that has been demonstrated throughout the entire activity have greatly impressed them. From the surprise and admiration shown in their eyes, we could feel the conscience in the bottom of their hearts, which was the hope for their own existence in the future.

As a part of the concerted effort with the entire Australia hongfa activity around October 1, we also put the "Open Letter to China President Jiang Zemen from Falun Dafa Practitioners in Melbourne" on The Age, the largest circulation in Melbourne. Included were over a dozen photos featuring the bloody persecution in China as well as the promotion of Falun Dafa outside of China. The Age also sent many related hongfa materials to their office in Beijing and expressed their great concern over the renewed crackdown on Falun Gong by Jiang Zemin during the National Day holiday. Leading Chinese newspapers like The Great China Times and China Weekly also published articles like "Jiang Zemin's undeniable historic responsibility", and "Denunciating Jiang Zemin's Horrendous Crime in the Human World" to help the public better understand Jiang's true evil nature. Australia SBS broadcast a 30 minutes special report on Falun Gong at 8:30pm on September 28. (This program was produced with the assistance of Falun Dafa practitioners in Sydney.) The local TV Channel 3JJJ also took initiative by contacting us to produce a 30 minutes program featuring a Falun Gong forum discussion. Practitioners in the forum received phone calls on September 28th while this program was broadcast.

Australian Falun Dafa Practitioners

September 30, 2000