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Report: German Practitioners Spread Falun Dafa on October 1st

Oct. 5, 2000

Language was no longer an obstacle -- Promoting Dafa in Frankfort

On the night of September 26th, the Northwest Theater House of Frankfurt, Germany, hosted a cultural performance that celebrated Germany's Chinese National Day. Most of the more than 500 people in attendance were local Chinese. Eight Falun Dafa disciples were also present. As the performance was drawing to a close, the disciples exited the theater and put on yellow T-shirts that read "Falun Dafa." To greet the people coming out of the theater, three of the practitioners practiced the exercises while the others handed out literature. A Western practitioner decidedly asked for materials to distribute, saying, "I usually prefer to practice the exercises, but I think it may be more persuasive if a German delivers these materials of truth to their hands." Some of the people coming out of the theater were surprised to see us, and some were curious: "It's Falun Dafa!" "There are still Germans practicing Falun Dafa!" People asked a lot of questions. After hearing the practitioners' perspective, some said: "It seems the situation is different from what the "People's Daily" has propagandized. I have to take some materials home to read carefully." Before long, 200 copies of materials were distributed.

There is a large proportion of Western practitioners in Frankfort. Chinese National Day was the first time spreading the truth at an event where many Chinese were gathered. Because we were not aware of the performance long in advance, we were not fully prepared. However, everyone met the standard of a practitioner. Language was no longer an obstacle: Dafa had melted away all divides.

Practitioners of Frankfurt, Germany

Sept. 30, 2000

The New Climate of Fa Rectification in the Human World -- Promoting Dafa in Berlin

The annual Chinese National Day has come and gone once again. Dafa is still suffering from injustice in China and the Chinese practitioners still endure tribulations. However, their determined and devoted sacrifice in protecting the Fa has touched heaven and earth, and is quietly awakening the kind nature of people everywhere. Their actions are further purifying the world in the Dharma-ending period.

On Sept. 29, a troupe of child performers from China, along with journalists of Beijing TV visited Berlin to give a performance. A lot of Chinese families in Berlin attended. More than ten Berlin practitioners caught wind of the event, seemingly by chance. They made an appointment to attend and prepared precious presents for the occasion--material that told the truth of Falun Dafa. The material included a Chinese newspaper that the practitioners had carefully edited. It disclosed the lies propagated by the Chinese leader Jiang Zemin and his cohorts. Several Western practitioners, dressed in yellow T-shirts reading "Truth-Compassion-Tolerance" and "Falun Dafa," stood on the main aisles of the performance hall and warmly handed out the information in Chinese and German. Other practitioners stood in nearby streets and train stations to distribute the literature.

Everyone felt a great difference in heavenly climate from previous times. Most of the people happily accepted the material, and some even took the initiative to ask for it themselves. Soon, almost everyone had taken a copy. All of the practitioners were happy. When people asked them about Falun Dafa, all of the Western practitioners spoke out the same words: "Sehr schoen! (It is so wonderful!)" A westerner practitioner who had been worried about distributing materials on the street in the past said that she felt very joyful. She sensed that she had broken through a layer of matter. Another Western practitioner shared that when she read Master's latest teaching, she was ashamed of not having stepped forward before; it was selfishness that had held her back.

The experience of promoting Dafa made the practitioners realize first-hand that our Master has cleaned the evil matter of different dimensions and has just left the lowest dimension for our cultivation. He is waiting for us to step forward and out of our human nature.

Practitioners in Berlin, Germany