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An Open Letter Presented to the Chinese Embassy in the United Kingdom

Oct. 5, 2000

On September 29, 2000, British Falun Dafa practitioners will gather in front of the UK Chinese Embassy to appeal peacefully and practice exercises, with the official permission of the British government. The Falun Dafa Association of Britain will represent all practitioners in Britain in presenting an open letter to the Chinese Embassy later that day.

XX, a Western practitioner, started an around-the-clock meditation protest in front of the Chinese Embassy on Monday, and he has continued for eight days. A 60-year-old man meditated through cold nights to express his will to the world for Chinese President Jiang Zemin to stop the persecution of Falun Gong and to return innocence to Falun Dafa. Many Chinese practitioners joined in and handed out Falun Dafa materials to pedestrians. Some people read the materials and commented, "I can"t believe that such horrible deeds have been committed." They showed their sympathy for the old man's action. A female staff member from the Chinese Embassy was apparently running by and stopped to give Robert two booklets that were filled with the Chinese government's fabricated stories. When given materials such as "Peaceful Journey of Falun Dafa" by practitioners, she threw them to the ground with the excuse that she was running. Later, the Chinese Embassy formally informed XX that they would refuse to accept the public letter from the Falun Dafa Association of Britain on September 29, contrary to what had previously been agreed. The reason given was that a staff member of the Embassy had now spoken to him, so there was no need to speak with each other again.

We, British practitioners felt sad to hear this information. Thousands of practitioners in China have been suffering humiliation and abuse. Their lives are in danger. We have taken leave from work and want to have a sincere talk with the Embassy officials, and yet the Chinese Embassy treats this as child's play.

Nonetheless, the practitioners will still gather in front of the Embassy and try to hand them the public letter.

British Practitioners

(September 28, 2000)

(Editors note: Names have been withheld)

Attach the Public Letter:

Public Letter To Chinese Government Officials

Entrusted to the Chinese Embassy of Britain

To hand over to Chinese Government Officials

On the 51st anniversary of the People's Republic of China, it is, no doubt, a ruthless taunt to the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, that Jiang Zemin has forced the persecution of Falun Gong, positioning himself above the country, above the government and above the law, ignoring the national interests and international convention, using the government tools at his discretion, creating laws in the favor of personal interest, allowing justification for murders to occur.

Until now, tens of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners have been arrested, detained, and put into labor camps. Over five hundred people have been sentenced to prison terms. Over six hundred people have been forced into mental hospitals. Over five thousand people have been detained with no reason. Millions of innocent people have been arrested repeatedly. Tens of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners and their family members have been fired from their jobs or expelled from their schools and have lost their basic living conditions. Some have been forced to leave home and some families have been broken. China Public Security has been brutally and autocratically persecuting Falun Gong practitioners in all kinds of forms - politically, economically, physically and mentally. The methods they have used are ruthless and ferocious which have directly caused the deaths of at least fifty practitioners.

Internationally, Jiang Zemin has lured other countries with materials, money and interests to keep silent to his crimes of persecution, breeching of international conventions on the rule of law and moral standards, and to his trampling over human rights and the freedom of belief of international common agreements. At the same time, his persecution of Falun Gong will bring social crisis from China to rest of the world.

With the National Day coming, Jiang has called for large numbers of police forces and spent a lot of money again to arrest Falun Gong practitioners in a wide range, putting aside major issues of the country and the people. Maliciously speaking, "Ruin the reputation; Cut the living conditions; Eliminate the fresh" (editors note: this is the current political slogan against Falun Gong from Jiang Zemin,) he wants to execute some practitioners secretly to worsen the situation and deepen the crisis.

The crisis, triggered by the persecution of Falun Gong, in wide range of political, economic and foreign policies is the tremendous disaster that Jiang Zemin and his followers have brought to Chinese people. The Chinese nation will have to pay the price. The economic interests of the huge Chinese market has lured the world and spread the evil worldwide. Today natural and man-made calamities keep happening in China. The public security is chaotic. Economically, the country is in depression. Some murders that had brutally persecuted Falun Gong practitioners, died suddenly. Heaven has given the warnings to human beings.

In fact, there are a majority of government officials in central government, local governments and other organizations who are not in the agreement with Jiang Zemin. Many of them have relatives and friends who are Falun Gong practitioners. They know these practitioners very well and know they are good people. These people have sympathy for Falun Gong practitioners and dislike the extreme behavior of Jiang Zemin. Only a few people "help a villain do evil". But some common people, with the dislike of past timely political movements, avoid dealing with Falun Gong and tolerate evil without a thought. Quite a number of people yield to the abuse of power and let Jiang Zemin do what he wants, under the pressure of losing their professional and social status. "If it does not affect my personal interests, leave it alone," which causes the brutal persecution of Falun Gong to last so long and deepen the crisis. On the other hand, the cost of the persecution against Falun Gong, in terms of man power and economics, and the losses due to putting aside important national issues for this have effected every family and everyone in China.

The changeable nature of the political movements and the hard work of life make people tired mentally and physically. Facing the universal principle of "Truth, Compassion and Tolerance," many people could not be touched since dust has covered their hearts. Quite a number of people could not be moved by the fact that many Dafa practitioners are tortured to death and thousands of them lost their homes, because their mind and body have been numbed in the society of deteriorated moral standards. But Falun Dafa is the essence of this universe. " No Loss, No Gain" is the law of the universe. Resigning oneself towards the evil for the purpose of protecting short-term interests is to lose the kind nature of a human being and to lose the most excellent tradition of mankind. Destroying human morality is to destroy human beings. Every person in the world should have the right to know the truth and has a responsibility to "Cry out against injustice when seeing injustice on the street." Just like our ancestors, who followed the moral standards of "Humanity," "Justice," "Courtesy," "Wisdom," and "Faith."

Falun Gong practitioners have suffered the most ferocious persecution. The only thing we can do is to tell the truth to the world including the Chinese government officials and to stand forward to share the hardship. Falun Gong practitioners abide by the principle of "Truth, Compassion and Tolerance." They believe, "Good will be rewarded with good, and evil with evil," and only morality can save oneself and the society and fundamentally change China. No matter how crazed it is, no evil force can shake the firm belief of all the Falun Dafa practitioners.

The British practitioners pay close attention to the situation of the practitioners in China and call for every Chinese government leader, to stop Jiang Zemin's persecution of Falun Gong, prevent further bloodshed from happening, and to return the right to freedom of belief to the Falun Gong practitioners and unconditionally release all detained Dafa practitioners. Please pass on the following statement from all Falun Dafa practitioners to Jiang Zemin: 'stop willful and reckless action that is humiliating the Chinese nation; if Jiang Zemin continues the persecution willfully and recklessly, against the facts, laws and the nation's system, all the practitioners in China will go to Tiananmen square to peacefully appeal and to tell the truth."

Falun Dafa Association of Britain

All British Falun Dafa Practitioners

September 29, 2000