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Peaceful Appeal in Front of the Chinese Embassy in Ottawa

Nov. 12, 2000

October 26 is the one-year anniversary of China's legislative decision to suppress Falun Gong. During the one-year persecution, the wicked people led by Jiang Zemin resorted to all evil means to crack down on Falun Gong and committed heinous crime against Falun Gong and Falun Gong practitioners. Up to the present, 67 innocent Falun Gong practitioners are known to have died as a result of persecution, and more and more Falun Gong practitioners are detained and being sentenced. In the evening of Oct. 27, 2000, Canadian practitioners held a peaceful appeal and a candlelight vigil in front of the Chinese embassy in Ottawa. The purpose of the vigil was to protest the one-year anniversary of China's legislation cracking down on Falun Gong, to commemorate the great fellow practitioners who pay with their lives for Dafa, and to clarify the truth to the public.

On Oct. 27, perhaps for the unpardonable people "slandering the heavenly Fa by not differentiating between good and evil," maybe moved by the Dafa practitioners' heroic and moving deeds to safeguard Fa in the last one year, It rained for almost the entire day in Ottawa, the capital of Canada. However, practitioners who prepared for the event had no disturbance in their hearts. As soon as it was over at 3 p.m., the bright and beautiful sunshine illuminated practitioners' hearts and encouraged practitioners to fulfill the duty for the universe and earthly justice.

At 4:30 p.m., practitioners displayed the Chinese and English banners on the meadow in front of the embassy, on which were written, "Release Detained Falun Dafa Practitioners Immediately," "Jiang Zemin Persecutes Falun Gong, Guilty of the Most Heinous Crimes," "Please Stop China from Persecuting Falun Gong," "Falun Gong is a Righteous Fa," and "Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance," etc. A large pure-white wreath inlayed with the Chinese character for, "Mourning," indicated practitioners' respect and mourning for those who died for Dafa.

With the melodious Dafa music, practitioners demonstrated the five sets of exercises. At the same time, some practitioners distributed the Dafa materials to the pedestrians and clarified the truth to them. Some other practitioners held an English banner, "China: Stop persecuting Falun Gong," on the crosswalk during rush hour. When the light was red, drivers would turn to watch with fixed eyes. It is our practitioners' common heartfelt wishes to let more people know the truth and allow Dafa to enter everyone's heart.

It grew dark gradually; the candlelight that stretched along the embassy gleamed in the evening breeze, like stars, like the brilliant light of the great-enlightened people from the remote cosmos, pure and bright.

The night screen hung down. We lit the candles in the cups; the bright candlelight twinkled in the chilly wind of late autumn. They penetrated layer and layer of darkness and kept lit indomitably. Aren't the practitioners, who step forward to assist Teacher in rectifying the Fa, like the burning candles in the darkness? When facing the evil and pressure they empty all the ignorance with benevolent and pure light. They give up themselves completely for more lives' immortality and the universal truth's eternity! Their benevolence is highly praised by the Gods and Immortals and moves the Heaven and Earth.

Practitioner Wang Bin who was beaten to death left a poem, "Embracing the New Epoch," that will forever encourage his fellow practitioners:

"As the rising wind billows the sea, heavy sprays obscure the sky.
With eyes lost in the maze, it is hard to distinguish between wrong and right.
As the mud and sand are completely sifted,
A firm heart is manifested.
Fellow practitioners, as long as you are resolute in mind,
You will be unafraid of tribulations of any kind.
Although demons are dancing in riotous revelry,
Their rampancy is only temporary.
With your wisdom eyes you can dispel the clouds and breakthrough the hindrance,
Your old look will soon be renewed with a new appearance."
It was very windy tonight, but none of the candles blew out.

Canada practitioners
Nov. 3, 2000