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Hongfa in Columbia, Missouri

Nov. 20, 2000

The annual University of Missouri homecoming parade is always a big event, as thousands of people line the streets of Columbia to watch marching bands, marionettes, and floats of all kinds pass by. This year the people had the opportunity to see something quite new and different: 18 Falun Gong practitioners from Kansas City, St. Louis, and central Missouri doing qigong exercises, carrying banners, and passing out literature as they participated in the festivities.

Leading the way, three practitioners carried a large, 3'x12' banner which read: "Falun Dafa, Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance: A High Level Meditation System for Body Mind & Spirit." Following shortly behind, a SUV towed a brightly colored wagon upon which eight more practitioners practiced exercises 1, 3, and 4 to music. The trailer also carried a large banner promoting Falun Dafa.

As the wagonload of practitioners wound its way through the streets of Columbia, four other practitioners walked alongside passing out flyers and other literature to the people lining the streets. Many people, perhaps a thousand altogether, were eager to accept these materials, indicating a high level of interest in Falun Gong in this college town.

After the parade, practitioners assembled at a University of Missouri classroom and held a group study session for the rest of the afternoon.

Practitioners from other regions should take note of the great opportunities for promoting Dafa that can come from being listed as an official student organization at a college. Not only are the school's facilities available to use, but also, practitioners can participate in all of the numerous festivals, parades, and cultural events that take place every year.

A Midwestern Practitioner

October 14, 2000
