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Falun Gong TV Program " Lights Illuminate" To Be Broadcast

Nov. 3, 2000

The TV program " Lights Illuminate," founded by Falun Gong practitioners world wide and warm-hearted people from all walks of life, is being broadcasted by a North American Satellite TV Station through satellite and cable TV stations every Saturday 7:30-8:30PM. The program covers the USA, Canada and Mexico.

The first program, October 28th, will include some news from the New York Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference, news regarding the promotion of Dafa, interviews with guests, non-practitioners comments, a videotape "Falun Dafa in Taiwan" and part of the videotape showing Master Li doing the five sets of Falun Gong exercises.

Those who have Cable TV in Southern California, Seattle, Washington D.C. etc as well as viewers in other areas who have special decoding instruments, will be able to watch this program. (Note: This is a Chinese program.)

"Light Illuminate" Programming Group

Reported on October 28th, 2000