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A Letter from a Practitioner in Prison to his Wife

Dec. 10, 2000 |   Lu Chaosheng (alias)


Right now, the means for me to upgrade Xinxing are: enduring the persecution, overcoming hardship, and removing karma. I will start to do the exercises openly and aboveboard on xx (month), xx (date). If I am beaten to death because of that, it is a test for you. Please remember that; be sure to continue practicing! Dafa is so profound and our teacher is so benevolent, how fortunate we are! If one falls down, there will be no more chances for him or her.

I used to be beaten so much that I dared not to do the exercises, wondering if it might have negative effects on you if am beaten to death. Fortunately, we now have the new articles from our teacher to inspire us. Everyone is stepping forward boldly in cultivation. Now, I also need to advance towards consummation.

I wrote down the new articles and gave them to some officers to look at. One of them, the worst one, was very scared upon reading them. Dafa makes these vicious people terrified. You can also print out the article "Towards Consummation", together with some of your opinions, and send them to some government officials so that more people can come to support and learn Dafa. Our teacher was very compassionate. In "All Dafa Associations", he said that, "I also hope that in the future while clarifying the truth and appealing to the government they will not in any way neglect the importance of studying the Fa, because all of them need to progress towards Consummation."

Even if I am beaten to death, I will not be afraid at all, since I am dying for the great Dafa. Please do not do anything bad because of me and fall down. You need to step forward boldly in cultivation-- you don't have to worry about me or be afraid of anything. If [I am beaten to death] happens, that may be because I have too much karma. I will start to do the exercise openly and aboveboard on xx (month), xx (date). I need to create a cultivation environment around me. Please give me your best wishes and help me pass this test.

To remove the fundamental attachments is crucial for us to achieve consummation.

Without help from practitioners outside the prisons, there is no way we can get new articles. We now want to thank you again.

Lu Chaosheng (alias)

December 5, 2000