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Chinese Consuls Harass City Hall in Rochester Hills, Michigan in the United States

Dec. 8, 2000

Three consuls from the Chinese Consulate in Chicago unexpectedly showed up at the City Hall of Rochester Hills, Michigan this week. Saying that they were there on behalf of the Chinese Government, they demanded that the city make an apology and rescind the proclamation that had previously been given to Falun Gong.

The secretary at City Hall told the uninvited visitors it was impossible to arrange a meeting without appointment because the Mayor of Rochester Hills was very busy. However, because of the stubborn attitude of those three persons, the Mayor eventually gave them15 minutes.

After meeting with them, the City Hall of Rochester Hills made a decision right way: "The unjustifiable demands by the Chinese consuls are totally unacceptable."

It was also reported that the mayor's office received a harassing phone call about the same issue from an anonymous woman shortly before these three consuls showed up. She claimed she was studying at Oakland University, but she neither left her name nor gave an address or phone number. This case has been brought to the attention of the relevant agencies.

News of this incident soon spread to some of the neighboring areas. The City Hall of Troy had also just issued a proclamation praising and supporting Falun Gong several weeks ago. After hearing about the attempts made by the three Chinese consuls in Rochester Hills, they made a most concise comment: "Shame on them!"

Practitioners in Michigan

December 6, 2000