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Promoting Falun Dafa at the Human Rights Convention in Japan

Dec. 8, 2000

The annual National Human Rights Convention of Japan was held in Qian Ye County of Qian Ye city. We Dafa practitioners felt it was a good opportunity to clarify the truth for Dafa, so we were pleased to attend.

The practitioners went to the convention hall on November 24th. People from human rights organizations and from counties all over the country were busy preparing their booths. We approached the organizer and asked if we could display Dafa materials and photos showing the truth about Falun Dafa. The reply was "No" because Falun Dafa hadn't been registered in Japan. Upon hearing this, we realized how little we had done to promote Dafa and clarify the truth, and we were all ashamed of our meager efforts. But we were not disappointed. We knew at this moment that Dafa was revealing the truth in the world and every minute is a blessing of our compassionate Teacher. We should treasure every second to do our best to "Assist our Teacher in this human world" and "Offer salvation to the people of the future" with the compassion bestowed upon us by our honorable Teacher.

So we went to the square in front of the convention hall. Accompanied by the gentle Dafa music, we handed the Dafa newspapers to the people who were passing by in a hurry. There were a lot of pedestrians that day because there was another industrial exchange convention going on besides the human rights groups. All the people accepted the newspapers with pleasure. A policeman came up and asked us what we were doing. When he knew that we were Falun Dafa practitioners, he said with a smile: " I know Falun Dafa. Keep up your good work!" He accepted the newspaper handed to him at the same time. By coincidence, we handed a newspaper to a practitioner from the United States. The students of our Teacher are all over the world and they are disseminating the word of Falun Dafa and bringing brightness to every corner of the world.

On the 25th, practitioners from different areas went to the convention hall for the human rights groups and distributed Dafa materials to human rights organizations and told them what's happening in China. Through this effort we appealed to these warmhearted people to work together to resolve the crisis in China. Seeing a human rights organization setting up a "human rights consultation" to carry out their activities, one practitioner recalled Master's "Using at will," and so she went to talk about Falun Dafa with them in their temporarily set-up consultation room. In the end, one staff member said: "I've heard about the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners in China from the TV, but I never thought that I would talk to a Falun Dafa guest today. Believe me, you have a lot of friends. All the people who care about human rights are concerned about Falun Dafa!"

When we encountered a human rights organization for children, we started the conversation by telling them how the junior practitioners were being persecuted in China. We introduced Dafa to a lady and gave her a Dafa newspaper and a bookmark. She said: "Can you give me two more? We have three people altogether." The practitioners agreed happily. Seeing how that benevolent part of human nature was moved by Dafa and was awakened by Master's compassion, we felt happy for them from our hearts.

Finally, we went to a booth that collected writings and pictures for the human rights convention. All practitioners contributed their help. One practitioner wanted to cut out the pictures from the Dafa material and paste them onto the board prepared by the convention so another practitioner rushed to borrow scissors. One practitioner put up the Dafa postcard on the board, and another wrote an excerpt from the materials under the card. A child practitioner wrote in her childish handwriting: "Waiting for your heart of kindness" on a photo of practitioners being persecuted in Tiananmen Square. On the margin of the photos showing practitioners from different countries practicing Falun Dafa, we wrote words from the heart: "Welcome to come cultivate Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance!" A practitioner from Tokyo wrote on the board with beautiful handwriting " Please be concerned about the human rights of 100 million people from more than 40 countries." A high school student drew a picture with words "Falun Resolves Forever" set off by holy and pure lotus. A nine-year-old practitioner drew a shining Falun emblem with her pure heart. An elderly lady depicted the magnificent view of a Falun and a Heavenly Girl Casting flowers.

A set of display boards for Falun Dafa was quickly made and hung on the frames prepared by the convention through the joint efforts of all the practitioners. To our surprise, the things prepared by the convention organizer fit to our specifications so well that we set up our displays with almost no effort. We understand what Master cares about is our heart. As long as we have an upright heart, the Buddha light of Dafa will harmonize all the seemingly impossible things. We are constantly under Master's care and everything is arranged perfectly.

The International Human Rights Convention was held in the International Hall on 26th. We went to the convention too. After learning we couldn't attend it because we were not members of human rights organizations, we went out to hand out Dafa newspapers to the pedestrians. During a break in the convention, we went back to the Convention Hall to issue Dafa materials to the people. All of them accepted the materials with pleasure. In just 10 minutes, we handed out more than 100 copies of the newspaper. They were eager to get the Dafa materials. Some people ran after us for more materials and told us they had known about this issue in China when they saw "Falun Gong" on the pamphlets. They felt sorry when we told them all the Japanese pamphlets were gone, but they still asked for the few English materials left in our hands.

The three-day Hongfa activity ended perfectly. Let us encourage each other with Master's poem "New Life:"

When righteous Fa spreads,

Thousands of devils are bound to block.

While offering people salvation, their minds are changed.

Evils are going to be eliminated, and brightness starts to shine.

All practitioners know that the poem after "New Life" is "Laughter."

Seashore Park Practice Site, Qian Ye, Japan

Nov. 11, 2000