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Latest News From China - 12/04/2000

Dec. 9, 2000

[Beijing] Offices in a Ministry Building Receive Falun Gong Material

Recently, in a government office building of a ministry in Hepingli, Beijing, when people arrived at work one morning, they found in almost every office various Falun Gong material. People were passing around the materials to read, and chatting with each other about them. The relevant officials were shocked, and required everybody disclose their personal activities the night before, in order to find out who distributed these materials. The materials were collected but only about 80 of them were obtained, the rest simply "disappeared". This has already been reported to the police and some people are quite afraid of this.

More than a year has passed since Jiang Zemin started the cruel persecution of Falun Gong. The employees and officers of the government offices were first deceived by the overwhelming lies, then they became fed up and disgusted with the Culture Revolution-like "one alone has the say", and started to be suspicious of the propaganda. Influenced by the sustained efforts and great sacrifices of the practitioners of Falun Gong, they have come to know more truth and facts, and people, with the sense of justice are beginning to oppose, on their own initiative, the despicable conducts of the gang of Jiang Zemin.

[China] Policemen Conscientiously Read Dafa Material

In a county of a province, after reading "Zhu Rongji's call for a stop" in the Dafa-promoting materials, the policemen suddenly understood, and were indignant that they were deceived and used by the gang of Jiang Zemin.

An interrogator said to a practitioner, "We don't interrogate your Dafa practitioners. For criminal cases, after finishing the interrogation, they are done, but Dafa practitioners' cases never finish, we interrogate you today, you go to Tiananmen Square tomorrow again. So I don't interrogate you."

When a practitioner was called to the local police station for questioning, he saw some policemen also reading Dafa material conscientiously, and some even read continuously for half an hour.

[Hefei, Anhui (province)] Practitioners Arrested During Group Fa-study

Practitioners were studying the Fa as usual at Ding Zhiqi's home in Dianbu Town, Feidong (county), Hefei (city) at around 7 pm. At 8 pm more than ten plain-clothed policemen rushed in and started snatching the books and beating practitioners. The practitioners said, "We learn the Fa to be a good person, to cultivate Truthfulness, Benevolence, and Forbearance, what is wrong with that? We have our freedom of belief." The police furiously threw Ms. Ding to the ground, and several of them dragged her and tried to force her into the police van parked outside the door. Ms. Ding's house is by the street, and there were over 100 people standing by and watching. The policemen kept tearing and beating for more than half an hour, while the surrounding masses sighed and shook their heads quietly. At last, Ms. Ding was pushed to the ground and pulled into the van; more than ten practitioners were all taken away. Since the dispatch of this news, three practitioners, Ding Qizhi, Zhang Yushu, Mr. Guan, were still locked up in Feidong. Other people have been released.

[Yantai, Shandong Province] Yantai University lecturer went to appeal, her husband was deprived of the right of studying abroad

Yantai University lecturer Du Fang went to appeal in July of this year and hasn't returned yet. Her husband, Li Xinheng, was admitted as a PhD student by a university in the U.S.A., and offered a full scholarship. However, Yantai University refused to process the necessary procedures with the excuse that his wife Du Fang appealed. The Party secretary of the school, Sun Zhongqing, said that the Provincial Education Commission did not approve. For a practitioner who cultivates Truthfulness, Benevolence and Forbearance, her relative is even deprived of the right of receiving education. We do not know how Yantai University "imparts knowledge and educates people".

[Henan Province] Practitioner went to safeguard the Fa, yet crops grew well

A practitioner in Henan was sent to labor camp because of firmly cultivating Dafa, leaving only two elders in there seventies and a five-year-old child at home. It was the autumn harvest time, and nobody in the family could take care of 6 Mu (Chinese acre, 6 Mu = 0.4 hectare) of farmland. Other practitioners came to help with the harvesting. They saw lots of weeds in the field, but wondrously the crops grew extraordinarily well; cotton boll and maize grew better than last year. The practitioners know the reason.

[Beijing] Joint security persons moved by the benevolent hearts of Beijing practitioners

Not long ago, practitioners in a district of Beijing hung up Dafa banners at various places on the streets overnight. Afterwards, local police hired security and joint security personnel to watch outside the homes of Dafa practitioners continuously for several days and nights, no matter how cold the weather was. With benevolent hearts, some practitioners sent clothes downstairs to the security persons and asked them to come in and have a rest. They were deeply moved.

[Benxi, Liaoning Province] Vicious persecution against Dafa practitioners

On Nov. 19, Benxi Police assigned many plainclothes policemen outside the Benxi No.1 detention center, and installed tapping devices to tap the talks among practitioners. They used this method to arrest practitioners persisting in cultivation. They arrested nearly 20 practitioners who were on their way back from visiting other practitioners in custody. Those practitioners were pushed into cars by policemen, forcibly detained or sent to Dabailou Detention Center. The details of the practitioners' situations are unknown.

On Nov. 29, some companies in Benxi sent Dafa practitioners to the labor camp. Practitioners were forced to attend "transformation class" for 15 days, with a charge of 500 Yuan for each person. The first class was arranged with 30 people. Practitioners realized this was the persecution of the evil, and they should not cooperate with it. So they appealed to the unit leaders uprightly, "We are not wrong, and do not need the study, transformation or brainwashing. We will never attend the transformation classes." As a result only 17 people went to the "transformation class". We hope Dafa disciples regard the Fa as teacher, strengthen the righteous mind and belief, and walk the last step according to the way arranged by the Master.

To prevent large numbers of Dafa practitioners from going to Beijing to appeal, Benxi authorities sent 25 practitioners to the vicious Masanjia labor camp on Nov. 27. This is yet another crime Benxi authorities have done in there following of Jiang Zemin. Since last year, Benxi has sent more than 100 practitioners to Masanjia in order to transform them. A few days ago, practitioners who had been to Masanjia were arrested again, since they revealed the crimes in Masanjia.

[Weifang, Shandong (province)] Practitioner Persecuted

Liu Hong, female, is about 40 years old. She was reported to police for reading materials printed from the Internet. She was seized and sent to the security unit of her former factory, and handcuffed to a chair. Three policemen interrogated and beat her in turn to find out the origin of the material. They beat her and hung her up with handcuffs. They took off her coat and put her outside at midnight to freeze her. She was tortured for more than 10 days, but still said nothing. She is currently detained in Kweiwen District Detention Center.

[Jingmen, Hubei (province)] Practitioners Sent to Labor Camp

There are about 80 practitioners detained in Shayang Detention Center in Jingmen (city) of Hubei (province). These practitioners are from Jingmen, Wuhan, Qianjiang. The following is the brief information of some Jingmen practitioners.

Long Ting (employee of 605 Research Institute), and his wife Zhou Ping (employee in Commercial Bank) became healthy after practicing Falun Gong. They went to appeal in Beijing in August 1999 and went to Beijing for the second time in November after being released from jail. The couple was detained again and sentenced to 3 years labor camp. Now their son is in high school.

Ci Baosheng is an assistant of the practice site in Jingmen Oil Refinery Factory and director of the local police office. He went to appeal in Beijing on July 20, 1999. In November, he and his wife went to the National Appealling Office and were seized and sent back by Public Security Department of Hubei Province. Then they were sentenced to labor camp. He has endured very harsh persecutions.

Zhu Cuihua is the assistant in No.3 Construction Bureau practice site. Previously, her legs were not the same size, one thin, and another thick. Her legs became the same size after she practiced Falun Gong. She went to appeal in Beijing on July 20th, 1999 and was sentenced to labor camp later. She and Zhang Yuhua (an assistant of Jingmen Oil Refinery Factory practice site) were detained in another place, as they refused to write any guarantee letter.

Qiao Zuoquan is one of the earliest assistants in Jingmen who had attended Master Li's lecture. He went to appeal in November 1999 and was sentenced to labor camp.

Zhou Li is a practice assistant and a department director of Construction Bank. She went to Beijing twice in 1999 and was sentenced to 3 years labor camp, carried out outside the prison. She did a lot of work to let Jingmen Government understand Falun Gong and lessen the persecution of practitioners. She refused to attend the so-called "transformation class" in October 2000. She distributed Dafa materials in streets and on buses. She was found to send the truth materials to "6.10" office (government office dealing with Falun Gong) and was sentenced to labor camp.

Meng Xianglong was detained last November. He was asked by the government to help persuade other practitioners. He wrote some articles against his own will under great pressure from the government, which was published in several newspapers. He regretted it and condemned himself for what he did. This October, he was arrested again for not cooperating after a couple of days in "transformation class".

Chen Qiji, employee in No. 3 Construction Bureau, went to Beijing to appeal last year and was sent to a detention center for more than one month. He was sent to labor camp in October as he clarified the truth to others.

Several days ago, practitioners in Jingmen Oil Refinery practice site distributed Dafa materials to a crowd in front of the stock market, and four more were sent to a labor camp.

[Huitong (county), Hunan (province)] Persecution of Practitioners in

1. On October 6, the police broke into one practitioner's home, handcuffed him and dragged him downstairs for more than 100 meters. His head and body were wounded. Bystanders were angry at the cruelty. In the police station, the police filled the practitioner with water, made him stand for a long time and slapped his face while pulling his hair. They illegally detained the practitioner without any reason for 17 days.

2. On November 3, a practitioner went to Ruoshui County to send public grain and was recognized as a practitioner by two policemen. They slapped his face and kicked him. Blood ran down from his nose. Then they seized and brought him to the police office. They beat him with a wood board, kicked him, slapped him and forced him to his knees. They tortured him for a night and detained him for 17 days in a detention center.

3. On October 26, the so-called "6.10" office personnel tricked Mr. Guo, a practitioner, into coming to the police station. They asked him who distributed the materials on the Falun Gong in the local area. Mr. Guo just said, "I could not tell you anything." The police were angry and forced him to admit his guilt. Under this situation, Mr. Guo asked to go to the bathroom. He decided to validate Dafa with his life and jumped from the balcony on the 4th floor. He was sent to the hospital and diagnosed with fractures in his feet and left hand. While in the hospital, Mr. Guo enlightened to some principles of Dafa and left the hospital. The police illegally detained two practitioners for 17 days who went to see Mr. Guo.

4. On September 14, after finding nobody at home, policemen and "6.10" office personnel climbed into the home Lin Xiu'e to ransack Dafa materials but had no result. On October 20, the personnel blocked Lin Xiu'e and took her to the police office. They detained another 4 practitioners. At 8pm, they climb into her home again, but still found nothing. They were so angry that they made Lin Xiu'e and 4 other practitioners stand for a day and a night. In the end, they illegally detained the practitioners for 15 days without cause.

[Lanzhou, Gansu (province] The Persecution of Practitioners Escalating

Since November 6, the forces from the Public Security Bureau at Qilihe District in Lanzhou has become ramant. They started to arrest and detain Dafa practitioners on a large scale. 23 practitioners including Zhu Huilan, Gui Weixiu, Wang Yongkun, Zhang Xiumei, Shi Meifang, Tian Guiying, Liu Juhua and Zhang Minghai were arrested and detained at Dashaping and Xiguoyuan detention centers. It is said that they will be sent to a labor camp.

[Henan (province)] Policeman Ill After Extorting Practitioners Money

Six Dafa practitioners at Zhoukou in Henan province were detained. Before they were released, a policeman forced each of them to hand in 20 Yuan. He kept those 120 Yuan himself. Ever since then, the policeman has been sick everyday. Even his family was implicated. What Dafa practitioners have said, "the good will be rewarded with good, and the evil with evil" has penetrated deeply into people's heart. The policeman's wife also told others: "He only collected 120 Yuan. He has been suffering so much!" Now the couple is talking about returning the money to Dafa practitioners.

[Henan Province] The evil policeman Jing Dezhen

Jing Dezhen, deputy director of the political security unit of Public Security Bureau at Fengqiu County, Anyang City, Henan province, brought policemen to Dafa practitioner Qian Yunqing's home. They searched Qian's home and took away Dafa books. Practitioner Qian Yunqing was detained for over 20 days. Her husband was also taken into custody although he was not a practitioner. The couple was handcuffed to the electric poles for several hours. The policemen took all the cash found in their home and did not leave any receipt. After July 22, since Jing Dezhen suspected that practitioner Cui Qingquan posted Dafa flyers, he took Cui into custody and detained him for a month. When Cui's wife visited him in jail, she tried to reason with Jing Dezhen. Therefore, Jing Dezhen detained her as well. During their detention, Jing Dezhen asked the couple to hand in 2,000 Yuan. Since they could not afford the money, Jing Dezhen sent Cui Qingquan to Xuchang labor camp. These evil-minded policemen took advantage of Dafa practitioners to seek personal gains.

[Beijing] Policemen at Chaoyang District and Pinggu County Detention Center Persecute Practitioners

A statement from a Dafa practitioner from Jiangxi Province: I was arrested at Tiananmen Square by the police on November 16. I was then sent to detention center at Chaoyang district and detained with 5 other Dafa practitioners. A female unit leader in the detention center conspired with several other young female guards and drug-addicted inmates to drag us from the first floor to the third floor. They asked a head inmate who is a drug addict to watch us. The next day, we all went on a hunger strike. Four days later, they separated us. During the interrogation, I told the guards that Falun Gong is good. Those guards kicked and beat me. They also pressed their hands against my mouth, grabbed my hair and dragged me to the 7th cell. When a 60 year-old practitioner saw that I was crying painfully from the beating, she told those guards: "Do not beat up people. The good will be rewarded with good, and the evil with evil." They became very angry and immediately ordered several drug addicts and other inmates to beat this old practitioner. They tied her up on a panel door for more than 20 hours. At the same time, they beat and kicked her and did not allow her to use the restroom. These evil persons who have completely lost their human nature told practitioners: "We would give you a chance to experience what Jesus experienced!" This was what I have witnessed.

I could hardly breath after being beaten by them. Even at that time, they forced me to stand up. I stood up for about 20 minutes and collapsed to the ground. On the fifth day, at eight o'clock in the morning, a guard named Wang rewarded those inmates and told them: "It is very good you beat up the Dafa practitioners. We can help you to reduce your sentences."

According to another report, on November 22, the director and the guards at Pinggu County detention center ordered the inmates to put handcuffs and shackles on Dafa practitioner Yuan Xiaofang from Ningde City of Fujian Province. Afterwards, the inmates dragged Yuan Xiaofang on the ground back and forth and beat her at the same time. Yuan's feet were covered with blood. While the director and the guards at the detention center watched the inmates beating up the Dafa practitioners, they felt very happy and told the inmates: "The harder you beat Dafa practitioners up, the better. We will all help you reduce your terms." When the inmates heard that, they became crazy like animals. They beat up Yuan and other practitioners more fiercely.