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Latest News from Japan and China - 02/11/2000

Feb. 12, 2000

[1] Practitioners from Japan Arrested by Chinese Police

[2] President of Architecture Institute Arrested for Supporting Falun Gong

[3] Practitioner Detained for Doing Exercises at Home

[4] Chief Police Officer Punished; Authorities Transferred Police Officers

[1] Practitioners from Japan Arrested by Chinese Police

Practitioners from Japan, Jie Xu, Yi-hong Zhao and Guo-ping Hu were arrested when they practiced Falun Gong on the Tiananmen Square on the Chinese New Year's Eve (February 4). Their whereabouts are unknown since then. Some other practitioners from Japan who hold Chinese passports were again denied entry to China.

According to a practitioner who was a Japanese citizen and who was deported from China after joining the practice on the Tiananmen Square on the Chinese New Year's eve, they had been beaten up by the police officers. They lost contact with each other after being transferred for a few times.

[2] President of Architecture Institute Arrested for Supporting Falun Gong

Zhong-lin Jiang, a senior engineer and the President of the Ming-yuan Architecture Institute, and his wife were arrested by the Chengdu police for writing to Jiang Ze-min to report his experience of practicing Falun Gong, and publishing the letter on Chinese Minghui Net.

[3] Practitioner Detained for Doing Exercises at Home

Xiao-yu Zhang, practitioner from the Guang-rong district of Chengdu City, was arrested because when she practiced Falun Gong exercises at home, an official of the residential committee heard the practice music and reported her. She was given a 15 days of administrative detention. The police officers in the Guang-rong police station told practitioners that to practice Falun Gong exercises is against the law.

[4] Chief Police Officer Punished; Authorities Transferred Police Officers

The head of the Ren-min-bei-lu police station of Chengdu City was punished by being reduced to a lower rank for not being able to prevent local Falun Gong practitioners from going to Beijing to appeal.

The public security department of Chengdu City started to transfer the police officers in all police stations and detention centers to other posts, for fear that they would be educated and changed by the Falun Gong practitioners during the process of interrogating and monitoring practitioners. Under the influence of the arrested practitioners, some police officers have started to recommend Falun Dafa to their family members, hoping that they could also practice Falun Dafa.