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Persecution in Chengdu City, Si-chuan Province

Feb. 22, 2000

[1] Ms. Zhang Ai-li, a practitioner from Ying-men-kou in Chengdu City was sentenced with one year of forced labor "education" for reading "Zhuan Falun" (the main text of Falun Dafa) in a "transformation class" held by the Jin-niu district police station and detained in the Zhi-zhong women jail. She has a child going to kindergarten that is taken care of by her husband alone and their life is very hard.

[2] On February 1, the Jin-niu district police station sentenced Zhang Wei-hua, Chen He-xiu and another 16 practitioners except a pregnant woman in the "transformation class" held in the Cha-dian-zhi to 15 days of administrative detention because the authorities felt they were "stubborn".

Ms. Zhu Xia has been pregnant for 8 months. Her husband, Wang Shi-lin, was sentenced to one and a half year in prison for having gone to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. Her mother was detained for refusing to give up Falun Gong. Her father, who was not a practitioner, has mental problem. She does not work and has no income, so she was exempt from detention. However, the police station required her to come to the police station at every morning 9am and stay until 4pm in the afternoon. Ms. Zhu Xia is determined about Falun Dafa and handles the pressures easily. She moved many police officers by her kindness and noble deeds.

The "transformation class" held in the Cha-zhi-dian has lasted for more than three months. The practitioners in the class have only expressed their determination about Falun Gong, so they were detained in the "class" or in jail for a long time. They have been deprived of personal freedom. They would not be released from the "class" until they promise that they would not practice Falun Gong, not go to appeal, and not communicate with others.