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Latest News from China - 03/25/2000

March 28, 2000

1. [Shenzhen] Li Jianhui, former assistant of Shenzhen Falun Gong Assistance Center, has been detained for over half a year since he was arrested in late September of 1999. The court in Futian District attempted a public trial of him on January 20 this year. However, since Li Jianhui's attorney insisted on an innocence defense, the trial was aborted. A secret trial that followed ended nowhere either. Recently, Li Jianhui went on hunger strike in prison to have his legal rights restored, but was fed food by force. His wife, Dai Ying, was detained on criminal charges because of her petition in Beijing, and is currently being held also in the Futian Detention Center.

Also, it is reported that, since the publication of Yu Hui's articles on the Internet, Futian Detention Center has started to incarerate all Dafa practitioners individually. Any contact with outside is forbidden.

Currently, there are five Dafa practitioners detained under criminal charges in Futian Detention Center. They are: Li Jianhui, Dai Ying (female), Yu Hui (female), Zhang Xu and Zhao Yanke. We are asking for attention to them from international human rights groups and all kind-hearted people.

2.[Chengdu] One day around March 7, the 70-year old Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Can, former principal of the Family School of Chengdu Guoguang Electronic Tube Factory, was taken from Jiuru Village Detention Center in Chengdu City back to the police station in charge of her residential area. Police officers in the station asked her, "What's your understanding on Falun Gong now? Are you going to continue practicing Falun Gong?"

She answered, "Of course I will continue my practice. Falun Dafa is good indeed. The practitioner doesn't practice Gong, yet the Fa refines the practitioner. I am being refined 24 hours a day." After she completed this sentence, several plainclothes policemen walked up to her immediately to press her onto the ground. Her hands were first handcuffed from the back, and then her feet were tied up by thin ropes. Police dragged her on the ground all the way onto the police vehicle. In the vehicle, one officer set his foot on her back all the way till she was sent back to Lianhua Village Detention Center for criminal detention.

In the detention center, police officers and detainees saw bruises on her face resulted from the friction with ground during the dragging. Both her hands were blackened due to handcuffing.

Ms. Liu Can's son works in Singapore, and her daughter works in Canada. After July 20, both of her children have been persuading her to move overseas, where she could also continue her pratice and study the Fa with the many practitioners there. Ms. Liu politely turned town her children, and chose to stay in mainland. (See "Short Cultivation Stories " in Minghui on February 11, and the reports related to Chengdu in early March.)

3.[Chengdu] Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Tian Yu and Ms. Qing Mingzhen was held in the Jiuru Detention Center for 15 days after they went to Beijing to appeal to the National People's Congress. Then they were transferred to the Lianhua Village Detention Center ( it was the first time that Ms. Tian Yu went to appeal to the government in Beijing). Currently, Ms. Qing Mingzhen is on hunger strike. For many years, she had been elected as the Model Worker at the Telecommunication Bureua of Chengdu city where she used to work.

It is reported that the Chengdu city police will continue their severe suppression of Falun Gong till at least the end of May.

The police told Falun Gong practitioners that 3000 policemen would be laid off this year. The degree of suppression of Falun Gong members would become a major criterion in rating their performance in determining who were to be laid off. During the period of severe suppression, as long as Falun Gong practitioners insist on appealing to the government or keeping on the practice, they will be held on criminal charges. The Chengdu city police gave vent to their anger on innocent Falun Gong practitioners.

4. [Chengdu] Military service official of Suchuan Provincial Military Region, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Huifang was expelled from her work place and the Communist Party after over 40 days of criticizing and educating effort for her ended in vain. Her salaries were suspended and her apartment confiscated. She is not even allowed to live in the Military yard where she used to have a home. Because the police in Chengdu Luyou Village monitors and interrogates her everyday, no body is willing to rent an apartment to her. She can only live in different friends' home on shifts. (For details see Minghui net in early January of 2000)

Recently, she went to Beijing to appeal to the central government. After she was arrested and sent back she was held on criminal custody. She is now held in the Lianhua Village Detention Center in Chengdu city. Because she used to work for the military, she received special attention from the higher-level government. Police are now twisting their minds to search for so-called "proof" in order to place heavy sentences on her.

However, she expressed clearly to the police that she could give up anything but practicing Falun Dafa.

5. [Mianyang City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Zhang Huali from the Mianyang Hydraulic Power Technical School wrote a letter to the National People's Congress of China (NPCC) to appeal the truth of Falun Gong. Her letter was transferred by NPCC to the Police department of Mianyang city. In a quick response, the Police department arrested Ms. Zhang on March 22. At present, Ms. Zhang is detained in the Xiaopeiqiao Detention Center of Mianyang City.

On March 19, Zhong Shihai from the No.38 Truck Team of Mianyang city went to Beijing to appeal the truth of Falun Gong. Police detained him and sent him over to the Mianyang Government Representative Office in Beijing and put him under house arrest. Now, he has been transferred back to Mianyang city and detained in the Xiaopeiqiao Detention Center.

6.[Meizhou City, Guangdong Province] This March, the police department of Meizhou city has carried out a "Three Eradications" program (a tactic used by the Japanese army during its invasion in China in WWII) by frequently ransacking local practitioners' homes and confiscating all their belongings (including all kinds of household appliances, cash, certificates of deposit, etc.). Their actions followed no legal procedures and went to a frightening extent. Among the victims was a barber whose iron and full set of hairdressing devices were also confiscated. One female practitioner was forced to divorce and was expelled from home by her husband. Therefore, she becomes homeless and has great difficulty in basic livelihood.

Starting March 20, police began to arrest people and severely beat them until they could not stand up. One senior practitioner Mr. Ye of more than 70 years old was also tortured. Mr. Ye indicated that he had made great contributions to the Communist Party during the founding of the People's Republic of China. However, now his home was ransacked and all belongs were taken away simply because he wanted to do some practice and tell the truth. In addition, his relatives' certificates of deposits were also robbed away by the police. It is reported that Mr. Ye was severely hurt from the police beatings and is at present still under isolated detention. At this point, the situation is still deteriorating.

In face of such harsh environment, practitioners remain firm and unswerving. They indicated that even if all their belongings were taken away and their heads chopped off, they would persist in cultivation practice.

In a detention center, policemen said they would get headache once they cursed Falun Gong and the practitioners.

7. [Meizhou City, Guangdong Province] Mrs. Zhang Yuxiu, who is 51 years old and had been inflicted with breast cancer prior to practicing Falun Gong, was persistent in practice and safeguarding the Fa despite various types of tortures from the police. In the detention center she, along with the 40-year old Mrs. Li Meiping, former public procurator of Meizhou city, continued practicing Falun Gong and reciting Dafa books after being sentenced to labor terms. During interrogations, the police was surprised at their changes and said, "Each time we see you, you are younger than last time." According to fellow practitioners released from the detention center, they both now looks like girls in their 20s', with very fine skin texture and pink complexion.

Practitioner Guo Yanfen is a People's Congress representative of Meizhou city. She was detained for going to Beijing to petition and continuing practice. During her detention, more than 30 local cadres approached her and attempted to transform her, in vain of course. Now she has been sentenced to 2 years' labor terms.