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AFP: US Falungong followers protest outside Chinese embassy

April 26, 2000

04/25/2000 Agence France-Presse

WASHINGTON, April 25 (AFP) - Several dozen Falungong practitioners gathered outside the Chinese embassy here Tuesday to mark the first anniversary of the group's defiant mass demonstration in Beijing last year.

That protest propelled the spiritual movement into the international spotlight but drew a sweeping crackdown from Chinese authorities.

Roughly 50 demonstrators, some practicing breathing and meditation exercises, protested that crackdown outside the embassy building, dressed in raincoats and holding umbrellas against the rain.

Several of the protestors held up large yellow banners proclaiming the way of Falundafa ("law of Buddha"), or tolerance and forbearance.

Although several cars honked their support as they drove by, the demonstration remained peaceful.

There was no public reaction from Chinese embassy officials.

In Beijing, witnesses said some 100 Falungong members were detained for protesting in Tiananmen Square to mark the anniversary.