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News from China - 06/16/2000

June 18, 2000

[Chengdu, Sichuan Province] Practitioners Arrested for Exhibition Activities

Some practitioners including Cheng Lan, Zhang Zhixiu, etc., were arrested by the police for distributing Falun Dafa materials and practicing Falun Gong in front of the Provincial Exhibition Hall in Chengdu City. Inside the Hall, an exhibition entitled "Believing in Science, Opposing Supersition" aiming to slander Falun Dafa was being held.

[Sichuan Province] Experiences and Current Situation of Falun Gong Practitioners in Sichuan Women Labor Camp

The Nanmusi Labor Camp of Sichuan province is located in a small city between Chengdu and Chongqing. The camp is currently holding over 1,000 people serving forced-labor terms. Among them, most are criminals convicted of drug addiction, theft, robbing, prostitution, defraud, or smuggling of fake bills, etc. Since July 22 of last year, Falun Gong practitioners have also been continuously transferred here, with the total number going over 100 up to now. The practitioners range from seniors in their 50's to youngsters in their 20's, from peasants with little education to engineers and college students. With no exception, these practitioners were detained here because they had continued to practice Falun Gong, or had gone to Beijing to appeal to the government for Falun Gong, or had practiced Falun Gong on the Tiananmen Square. Some practitioners did nothing but admitted that they were Falun Gong practitioners when asked by some people. Some received forced-labor penalty without going through any legal procedures, simply because they were found living with their relatives in Beijing.

The practitioners are deprived of freedom and forced to work 10-14 hours a day. In order to win back the rights of studying and practicing Falun Gong, they have suffered numerous hardships. Nevertheless, they have never stopped cultivation practice, and are determined in defending our benevolent Teacher and Falun Dafa, even at the cost of their lives.

Now the practitioners in the labor camp have gone further from repeatedly appealing to governments and legal departments of all levels to report the truth of Falun Gong and their opinions. They insist that practicing Falun Dafa is their lawful rights and they should be released unconditionally. At the same time, they are taking concrete actions to boycott unreasonable trials and refuse to serve forced-labor imposed on them illegally.

Practitioners say that by looking at this tiny corner of the society, they see no signs that Falun Gong is outlawed. Instead, all genuine practitioners prevail. Although jails can lock up our physical body, they can not lock up our hearts of cultivation practice. We expect more attention to and support for Falun Gong from kind-hearted people, and will further strive forward on the golden path of cultivation practice towards culmination.

[Chengdu, Sichuan Province] Entrepreneur and College Students Continue to Be Held

Ms. Zhong Fangqiong, a Falun Gong practitioner and entrepreneur in transportation business in Chengdu, was arrested again by the police in Chengdu on June 14. Ms. Zhong had been detained several times before she was released in late May. At the time of arrest, the police also ransacked her home thoroughly.

At present, Luo Mingpu, Liu Tao, graduate students from Sichuan University, and Chen Mingyong, a graduate student from Sichuan Polytechnic University, are still being held in the City Jail at Ningxia Street. (For the previous report, please check Minghui Net on October 22, 1999)

[Mainland China] Retired Senior Officials Complained of Crackdown on Falun Gong

According to overseas observers on China issues, many retired senior officials expressed serious dissatisfaction with the crackdown on Falun Gong. They believed that the nationwide campaign to crackdown on Falun Gong was a big mistake. The decision has obviously undermined the stability of the nation and the society, worsened social conflicts, and put the country on the wrong track.

According to the reporting, some senior officials pointed out that social corruption had evolved to a dangerous level and the central government should bear the responsibility for it. The police force, in stead of performing their duty to combat social corruption, dedicated their resources to suppressing Falun Gong. The crackdown not only brought sufferings to Falun Gong practitioners, but also harmed the police and the nation as a whole.