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Get Actively Involved in Spreading and Standing up for Falun Dafa

July 1, 2000 |   A Falun Dafa practitioner

In a statement posted June 15th on Minghui Net, Minghui editors quoted Teacher's words: "It is not that Minghui Net does not make mistakes, however, on important matters, practitioners must pay attention to the attitude of Minghui Net. The purpose of posting my photo and the article 'The Knowing Heart' on Minghui Net was to build a trustworthy website for practitioners."

Since Minghui Net is a trustworthy Net that Teacher has built for us, Teacher would hold the helm on the Net, we should therefore pay attention to the attitude of Minghui Net on important matters so as to assist Teacher in the world and "Follow Teacher closely, steadfastly cultivating Dafa."

At present time, one of the most important matters for us to do, in my understanding, is to assist Teacher to defend Dafa and let more and more people know about the truth. This can be done through giving out Falun Gong -- The True Story, Peaceful Course of Falun Gong and other Minghui articles and experience stories that can best present the facts of persecutions and the facts on how our practitioners have benefited from Dafa cultivation in terms of improvement of their mental and physical health.

Fellow practitioners are working on the Net to expose the persecutions of Falun Gong to all the people of China. In his article A Few Thoughts Drawn from Reading' many scholars denounce He Zuoxiu, the writer talked about different measures we could take to defend Dafa. For instance, one can mail these written materials to people of all walks of life in China -- maybe a university dean, a faculty director, a factory owner, a Party secretary, a business manager, a school mate, a teacher, a family or a friend. It doesn't matter if they know us or not. Or one can put these materials in a library, on a magazine shelf of a reading room, on doors of residential buildings, and in mailboxes. Or one can distribute them to tourists in a park, so on and so forth.

Now that the fellow practitioners with good understanding of Fa have come up with so many good ideas on spreading and defending Dafa, other practitioners who are willing to assist Teacher should put these methods into use and at the same time develop new ideas of their own to accommodate any particular situations. Listed below are the methods we have taken:

1. To begin with, we sent out copies of the article about Teacher's attitude on Minghui Net and experience sharing stories. We sent these to practitioners near and far by giving them out at experience sharing meetings, faxing, or delivering in person. It is important to disclose the truth of Falun Gong to people in a sense because the more people get to know about the truth, the better chance they stand to reveal their true nature of kindness, and consequently they can better choose their own future in life.

2. We have given out copies of Falun Gong - The True Story and "Peaceful Course of Falun Gong to sales people, office colleagues, neighbors, families and friends, school leaders, and factory leaders. We also read the articles to our immediate families. Every one of us has sent out many materials. We will continue to work on it.

3. We have made a large number of copies of posters and put them up, whenever possible, in downtown, high traffic and residential areas.

4. Make Falun Dafa banners and hang them in conspicuous places.

5. All other practical ways that can disclose the truth to more and more people.

The above are our own methods of spreading and defending Dafa. If it deviates from Dafa, please point it out to us.