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Nation-Wide Appeal at the Anniversary of China's Crackdown on Falun Gong

July 20, 2000

Last July 20, the world was stunned by the Chinese government's intensified and large scale crackdown on Falun Gong . On the first anniversary, Falun Dafa Association of Canada will hold a national event to appeal to the Canadian government and international organizations to urge China to stop the on-going unprecedented suppression toward Falun Gong practitioners.

In Ottawa, a press conference will be held in the Parliament Building. Marlene Catterall, Member of Parliament, and Alex Neve, secretary general of Amnesty International Canada will give speeches at the conference.

Falun Gong practitioners across Canada will deliver letters to their local Chinese embassy and consulates (in Ottawa, Toronto, Vancouver, and Calgary) to call for a peaceful dialog to put a end to the brutal persecution. Candlelight vigil ceremonies will be held to memorize those who were tortured to death for refusing to renounce their spiritual beliefs, which are based on the universal principles of "Truth, Compassion, Tolerance".

Events in Ottawa on July 20, 2000

Event 1. Press Conference
Date: July 20, Thursday
Time: 1:00pm - 1:30pm
Location: Charles Lynch Press Conference Room, #107, Central Parliament Building

Practitioners will perform the Falun Gong exercises at the hill outside the Parliament building at the same time.

Event 2. Parade from Parliament to Chinese Embassy
Date: July 20, Thursday
Time: 2:00pm - 2:30pm
Route: Parliament Building Chinese Embassy, 515 St. Patrick St.

Event 3. Appeal for peaceful dialogue to stop persecution on Falun Gong in China
Date: July 20, Thursday
Time: 2:30pm - 5:00pm
Location: In front of the Chinese Embassy, 515 St. Patrick St..

Event 4. Candlelight vigil in memory of those tortured to death for their belief
Date: July 20, Thursday
Time: 6:30pm - 9:00pm
Location: In front of Chinese Embassy, 515 St. Patrick St.

Event in Ottawa on July 22, 2000

Date: July 22, Saturday
Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Location: In front of Chinese Embassy, 515 St. Patrick St.

For more information, please visit falundafa.ca, www.falundafa.org, or contact:

Ottawa, Xun Li 613 599-7494, 613 794-2529 (Cell)
Toronto, John Zhang 416 361-5939
Montreal, Yumin Yang 514 487-9486
Vancouver, Vera Yin 604 303-8658
Calgary, Kai Liu 403 244-5825


On July 20, 1999, Chinese government started a nation-wide, large-scale arrest of Falun Gong volunteer contacts. Two days later, Falun Gong was outlawed, and brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners has continued to escalate since then.

Tens of millions of people have been deprived of their basic rights of practicing their chosen spiritual practice, which is enshrined in the Chinese constitution. Tens of thousands of people have been detained, beaten, tortured. More than 25 people have died while in custody for refusing to give up their beliefs. Over five thousands of people were forced into labor camps or psychiatric hospitals. Falun Gong practitioners have been sentenced up to jail terms of up to 18 years and were refused legal representation during show trials.

In face of the brutality, not even one Falun Gong practitioner has fight back or retaliated. Falun Gong practitioners used only peacefully way to appeal legally to various levels of government and the public.

In spite of all this, one year after the crackdown was initiated, the persecution has intensified and escalated.