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Handle Things Carefully Under Complicated Circumstances, Be Responsible to the Fa and Others

July 8, 2000 |   A New York Practitioner

I just saw an article entitled "Be Aware of Spy Activities Abroad" on the "Ming Hui" website, which reminded me of an email I received a couple of days ago. The sender claimed himself to be a social science major, who is interested in Falun Dafa and is doing research. He wanted to have an in-depth perspective on Falun Gong's growing progress in the United States, the numbers of practitioners and registered sub-branches, and activities other than study groups and exercising in groups. He specifically mentioned that he hopes to know the new Falun Gong spokesperson's personal background and contact information, etc.

Because of the complicated circumstances that we are facing, some people are trying to take advantage of practitioners' kind hearts to obtain information to damage Dafa. These examples are already too many. After careful consideration, I just told him some general information without any details.

I think that to act with caution under the current complicated circumstances is to hold responsibility for Dafa and others.