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To Jiang Zemin: Stop this Reckless Behavior that is Disgracing China

Sept. 21, 2000

Ever since July 20 of last year, every time a holiday, a festival, or some so-called sensitive day rolls around, Jiang Zemin always drives the public security officers to round up and arrest Falun Gong practitioners on a large scale. To date, tens of thousands of innocent Falun Gong practitioners have been detained or sent to labor camps and subjected to all manner of inhumane tortures. According to incomplete estimates, more than 50 Dafa practitioners, none of whom ever fought back, have already been abused to death. With the world entering the 21st century, this kind of oppression of its own people on such a large scale will become the most shameful page in Chinese history.

We Falun Gong practitioners will continue to use a pure and kind heart to clarify the truth to the Chinese leadership, to all of China, and to the international community and to seek a peaceful and just resolution of the Falun Gong issue.

However, if Jiang Zemin continues to behave so recklessly with complete disregard for the facts, for the law, and for the system of government to turn a blind eye to the principles of the heavens and to the will of the people, and uses the advent of the PRC National Day on October 1st to again recklessly round up and arrest Falun Gong practitioners, then all of the Falun Gong practitioners throughout the entire country will go to Tiananmen Square to peacefully appeal and clarify the truth.

We have hereby made this statement.

All of the Falun Dafa practitioners in China

September 20, 2000