1. Jiang Zemin's totalitarian regime uses strict control towards everyone that might be related:
This includes parents, spouses, children and grand children, eyewitnesses of the cases in which practitioners were tortured to death, people who know the truth of cases, relatives, friends and people who have sympathy towards practitioners.
2. Uses basic living conditions to control people:
* Withholds resident ID, citizen ID and traveling ID.
* Uses unemployment and expelling from the Communist Party, Communist Youth League, army, School or workplace
* Disallows people from joining army, registering in school or obtaining a job.
* Stops salary or pension payouts.
* Confiscates houses, radios, TV's, computers, banking savings, etc. Imposes heavy fines and cash bails.
* Makes "transform and education class" a place for cruel torture, and uses it as a means for centralized monitoring.
* Detains practitioners with vague administrative or criminal charges; uses labor camps and labor education.
3. Applies 24-hour monitoring with a tight network:
* Involves neighbors of practitioners, resident committee, street administrative office, administrative units from district, village, county, city and province.
* Uses household management police, local police station, public security bureau, committees for policies and laws.
* Uses prisoners: If they fail to control Falun Gong practitioners, they will not be allowed to eat. Refuses to allow family members to visit detained practitioners. Encourages prisoners to physically abuse practitioners. Wardens and policemen also participate in such abusive treatment.
* Coordinates local and Beijing policemen to arrest practitioners.
* Adds check points at all major traffic joints to identify practitioners, including major road intersections, bus station, docks and subway stations.
* Uses cooperation among plain-clothed police, regular police and armed police in the process of questioning/investigation/arrest.
* Coordinates local and street administrative officers, police, Public Security Bureau, Procurators, law court.
* Forces practitioners to write a pledge, to make reporting phone calls daily, to report to the police. Interrogates practitioners with home visits; monitors and trails them; puts them under custody during major holidays; applies wiretaps and encourages people to report Falun Gong related activities.
* Forces policemen to persecute practitioners. If a policeman is not "effective" in doing so, he will face punishment by receiving less bonus, become temporarily unemployed or even discharged from the workplace.
4. Uses disregard for human dignity, humiliation, and cruel punishment that leads to physical abuse, injury, even death:
* Will Slap their faces; hit and kick them; uses an electric baton, whip, and tiger-chair (an ancient instrument for torturing); strikes them with heavy clubs; uses handcuffs and foot-chains, Su-Qin-Bei-Jian (a forced posture of torturing); uses dungeons; strips their clothes off and strikes their buttocks; beats them until severely injured, unconscious, and until death.
* Disallows access to toilets. No sleep, no water. Force-feeds practitioner or disallows practitioners to eat at all. Beats up practitioners with cruel methods. Forces practitioners to go on hunger strikes, jump from buildings or moving vehicles.
* Forces practitioners to smell human waste from toilets. Stuffs dirty clothes or socks into practitioners' mouths.
* Takes turns to continuously question practitioners for a long time without any breaks. Subjects practitioners to freezing in snowy weather; pours icy water on them in winter.
* Applies mental torture to drive normal people insane until actual death.
5. Drives normal healthy individuals insane:
* Illegally detains people in mental hospitals; forcefully injects drugs that damage the nervous system until normal people become insane.
* Makes normal individuals lose the ability to choose their way of life and destroys their ability to survive.
* Makes normal people lose memory and spirituality, even lose their lives.
6. Forces all related individuals to lie:
* Tells lies under all circumstances; frames practitioners.
* Disallow practitioners to express their true experiences.
* Forces non-practitioners to claim that they are cheated by Falun Gong.
* Uses secret agents and plain-clothed police to contact practitioners and force them to trick other practitioners.
* Forces local police to provide false reports on local practitioners' appeals in Beijing.
* Forces media to spread false reports.
* Forces all level of officials to persecute people; forces officials who do not know the truth to conduct severe crimes that harm themselves and others.
The persecution methods applied by the Jiang's totalitarian regime are tyrannical and a tightly-controlled network. To systematically persecute practitioners, the government uses all kinds of political, financial, physical and mental means. The methods they are using are extreme and brutal.
July 1, 2000