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Journals of Nursing Zhao Xin

Sept. 6, 2000


I had never met Zhao Xin before; I didn't even know what she looked like. I learned of her situation through a couple of her friends I met when she was first hospitalized.á The understanding I gained from them proved helpful when I was to later nurse Zhao Xin.á It motivated me and brought us closer together. Personal contact impressed upon me her many virtues. á She is righteous and compassionate, forgiving and friendly, beautiful and wise.á She is versatile in the Chinese musical instruments, chess, calligraphy and painting, good at cooking and embroidery, and enthusiastic in sports.á Zhao Xin is a beautiful, quiet and refined lady.á In the days I spent nursing Zhao Xin, I was the witness of many touching stories.

Steadfast Mind

We told Zhao Xin, "Teacher has published 4 new books. We have listened to all the lecture tapes. Have you listened to these tapes?"á Zhao Xin nodded yes.á She then hinted to her mother, "Because these new books have been published, destroy the tapes." Her prompt reaction astounded all of us. For one thing, it had not occurred to any of us that we should take that action.á Additionally, we were awed by the fact that her mind is always so constantly concentrated on the Fa (the Law and principles of Falun Dafa). This is a time to thoroughly safeguard the Fa.

Persistent Practice

Everyday a nurse came to give Zhao Xin intravenous drip injections.á Over such a long time, the injections had thoroughly damaged all of the blood vessels in her limbs. Especially her legs had suffered: the intravenous drips could no longer flow through them.á Even after searching for a long time a nurse was unable to locate an area for injection. She tried to look at the hands but Zhao Xin would not allow her to inject them.á She often asked to exercise her arms and practice Falun Gong.á We would then help her to practice the third exercise, Penetrating the Two Cosmic Extremities.á We held her hands and arms, first conjoined the hands (Jieyin), pressed palms together, and then moved her hands up and down. After we helped her to do the three cycles, we asked if she felt comfortable.á She nodded in satisfaction.

Genuine Gold

One day Zhao Xins younger sister informed us that Zhao Xin had had a stool.á I became worried and said, You had a stool, why didnt you say anything?á Zhao Xin just quietly looked at us.á Her sister said, She wasn't aware of it.á Only then did I remember that Zhao Xin could not control her excretions (because of the severe damages to her body).á I felt very sad. á I looked at Zhao Xin lying in the bed and my head swam with thoughts, yet I couldn't say a word.á How could such a healthy and energetic person be injured to such a serious extent? á Yet despite this, Zhao Xin preserved her rock-solid faith in Dafa.á In the face of the horror, her heart steadfastly held on to Dafa and continued to be upgraded.á Zhao Xin is not alone. Will the minds of the 100 million practitioners genuinely cultivating themselves toward righteousness be swayed by horrendous infliction?á It will truly be like gold: the more it is polished, the brighter it becomes; genuine gold will survive the refinement by fire.á Congratulations, Zhao Xin, I do not feel bad for you, I am proud of you. I congratulate you for becoming a great being who is about to walk towards Consummation.

Lovely Smile

I vividly remember Zhao Xin's joyful smile. It was as bright, sweet, and lovely as that of a childs.á It verified her remarkable cultivation; even such infliction could not daunt Zhao Xin's smile.á We asked her to smile to other practitioners who came to visit.á She always tried to welcome them with a grin.á Upon receiving such a greeting they would inevitably smile in return at her persistent and lovely appearance.


One day, Zhao Xin wanted to eat squid.á When we had the squid we asked her how we should prepare it.á She opened her mouth to respond, but no sound came out.á We guessed her meaning by reading her lips. Fry it? She shook her head. Boil it?á She smiled and shook her head again, "no, you still didn't get it right."á Roast it?á Zhao Xin joyfully smiled and nodded. We all smiled too.á Sometimes, when Zhao Xin mouthed something we were unable to discern what she meant.á But we came up with a way to solve the problem.á We pronounced the Chinese consonants one by one until she nodded at the correct sound. Then we pronounced the vowel sounds one by one.á Slowly the consonants and vowels made words and the words made phrases.á We then understood what she wanted to say.

Assisting Teacher

At present, Zhao Xins vertebrae have basically grown into position and the stitched areas are almost healed.á A diet of vegetables has slowly replaced the watery food of before. She enjoys her meals very much and to look at her brings me happiness. Exhibiting tenacious persistence and indescribable determination towards Dafa, Zhao Xin has passed tests of life and death one after another. Her health improves day after day.á Zhao Xin has closely tied her life to rectifying the Fa.á She has endured all kinds of difficulties and has truly put into practice the phrase, assisting the Teacher in the human world.

My days with Zhao Xin have left me with many extraordinary memories.á They inspire my cultivation.á I sincerely thank you, my admirable Zhao Xin!


Falun Dafa Practitioner in China

August 27, 2000