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Bravely Facing Death, Striking Terror into Evil's Heart

Jan. 11, 2001 |   Practitioners from Mainland China

Liu Jinying, female, former deputy Director of Laishui County Appealing Bureau of Hebei Province, went to Beijing to protect Fa and was illegally detained many times since July 1999 after Dafa was persecuted. In April 2000, she appealed to the National Council of People's Representatives and got arrested. Due to Jiang Zemin's brutal Cultural Revolution style policy of implication and persecution, the officials of Hebei Province, Baoding City and Laishui County all received punishment of varying degrees at that time. The party secretaries of three levels were discharged from their posts. Under Jiang Zemin's despotic power, prison guards beat Liu Jinying inhumanly. Those evil guards beat her to unconsciousness several times using wooden sticks and leather belts, and continued their savage acts even after wakening her by reviving her with cold water. Her hips and back were so terribly beaten that the bleeding was too horrible to look at. But Liu kept promoting Fa to them with great compassion. Those inhumane guards struck a dirty broom into her mouth and stirred, blood spurted out of her mouth all of the sudden. The tragic scene was too horrible to describe in words. In Laishui Detention Center, Liu kept exposing evil and clarifying the truth about Dafa. Her lofty realm and great conduct as well as noble spirit of abandoning everything for Dafa even made the prisoners exclaim with their thumbs up: "Extraordinary!"

In June 2000, the Laishui County Government tried Liu Jinying's case. In the court, looking very serene with a noble spirit, she itemized Jiang Zemin's evil acts, expounded the truth that Falun Dafa has all benefits but no harm to the nation, and promoted the Fa to the judges with her own experience. The righteous and compassionate field pervaded the whole court, and the audience gave her long-lasting and warm applause. The judges were speechless all of a sudden and had to postpone the trial.

In the end of December 2000, the public trial against Liu and other practitioners was held in Laishui County Square. Before the trial, the wicked force released ridiculous and vicious propaganda against her. The vicious guard put heavy shackles on her feet and sealed her mouth with tape. The armed police acted as if they were faced with a dangerous criminal, with one guard every 5 steps. There was a huge crowd at the trial. Everybody in Laishui was talking about this matter. They all expressed their indignation towards such maltreatment against Dafa practitioners, and maintained that this kind of wrongdoing can only have a negative impact on social stability and put the country in danger.

Liu Jinying proved herself to be a true Dafa practitioner. Her great compassion and forbearance as well as her superior wisdom gained from Dafa were widely spread in Hebei Province.

January 2, 2001