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News Conference in Front of Chinese Consulate in Toronto

Jan. 15, 2001

Friday January 12, 2001, Toronto area practitioners coordinated a news conference in the form of a vigil in front of the Chinese Consular building in Toronto. Approximately 30 practitioners joined the daily group practice in front of the consulate creating a peaceful and tranquil environment. The practice began at 10 am and by 10:15am CBC, CTV, CFTO, CFMT, City TV, World Journal, 680 News Radio, Toronto Sun and The Toronto Star were present, reporting on the press release presented by Toronto Association in response to the release of Canadian Professor, KunLun Zhang. A local official from the Chinese community presented his release, showing concern about the actions of the Chinese government. This was a surprising success due to the emergency last minute preparation, displaying the largest gathering of media coverage in the Toronto area.