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The Vicious Activities Within the "Transformation Class" in Yicheng Town of Hefei City

Jan. 18, 2001

[Clearwisdom.net] The "transformation class" in Yicheng Town of Hefei City, Anhui province, is the place where the suburban government of Hefei City persecutes practitioners. There are no beds inside, so practitioners are forced to sleep on straw. The roof leaks in many places causing practitioners to move their beds frequently to avoid getting wet. The doors and windows are old and broken, allowing the wind to come in. Because of its perennial disrepair, a brick fell down from the roof, hitting a female practitioner's back, one time when a heavy snow melted,.

Although the circumstances are adverse, they are not as vicious as the disciplinarians are. Practitioners are not allowed to talk or walk around. They are body-searched when they enter the classroom. For several months now, practitioners were served only congee (stewed rice) and pickles for breakfast and dinner, and dry steamed-rice and some greens for lunch. Everyday the authorities were forced to indoctrinate the practitioners with broadcasted venomous lies in order to breakdown their will. After a week, practitioner's meals were reduced because the authorities were not successful in weakening the practitioners.

In the middle of January 2000, an associate professor from Anhui Architecture Industry College, who is quite a talented artist, was tricked into to attending the "transformation class" by his school. On the second day, he led us to recite "Lunyu," (the forwarding statement in the books Zhuan Falun and Falun Gong) which broke an enforced two-week silence. The panic-stricken disciplinarians forcibly dragged him into the office and searched him for books, but they did not find anything. The next day, they hurriedly sent him to criminal detention where he was then sentenced to a labor reeducation camp, without trial.

Towards the end of January, a female practitioner first broke through the repressive environment by beginning to practice Falun Dafa exercises. Many practitioners then followed her example and began to practice. At the disciplinarians' direction, militiamen dragged away and beat practitioners. On cold winter days, practitioners were dragged outside and punished by being forced tostand in the cold at 3:30am without a coat on. Many times, practitioners were forced to stand barefoot on the ice-cold cement or in ice water. On the evening of the Spring Festival, seven female practitioners (including two old women) were dragged outside and forced to stand on the ground where the ice and snow had not yet melted. They stood there from 7pm to 12am midnight without a coat on. At that time, it was ?0C to ?0C (19-210 F). An elderly woman once was pushed into a snow bank. She sat down and continued to meditate. Fifteen minutes later when she was lifted up, her pants were frozen with ice and snow.

One morning during a forced run, a young man dragged away a female practitioner and kicked her. He then grabbed the next female practitioner (a pre-school teacher) in the line, kicking her and giving her a sudden push afterwards. That female practitioner fell down and slid with her face against the ground. This caused the female practitioner in front of her to also fall down. Seeing this, all other practitioners stopped running and began to recite "Lunyu," "Hong Yin" (the collection of poems by Master Li Hongzhi) and scriptures for the first time. The great Buddha Fa (universal law and principle) broke through the darkness here. The young man who had injured the female practitioners, sneaked away.

An old woman was once vciously pushed to the ground by four militiamen (including one very tall young man 1.8 meters tall). Her lumbar vertebrae hit the ground and she was unable to standup for quite a while, yet no one was concerned. Two weeks later, after she left the "transformation class," she still defecated blood due to her injury.

The food in the "transformation class" was continually decreased. It was far less than the minimum food per day as required by their rules. (In fact, each practitioner had to pay 400 yuan (US$48, $60 is an average month's wage in China) for living expenses every month). However, the leftover food from the cafeteria was poured into barrels and fed to the pigs everyday.

At the end of last March, all practitioners were released. Zhou Yancheng, the leader of Hefei suburban government security section labeled two practitioners as the "Leading Activities" and "Leading Hunger Strike." Soon after these two practitioners were released, they were taken away around April 12th to have a "talk". Several days later, their families were told that they were sent to a labor camp without trial. During the second round of the "transformation class," another two female practitioners were sent to labor reeducation and one practitioner was detained in the psychiatric hospital for five months. In the third session of the "transformation class," Zhou personally sent four women, over fifty years of age, together to labor reeducation. Until now, seven of the thirteen practitioners who did not write a guarantee (to promise to stop practicing) in the first session of "transformation class" were sent to labor reeducation (including one practitioner who wrote a guarantee at the beginning but regretted later on and went to Beijing to appeal again.), without trial. Of the remaining six practitioners, there are two practitioners who are over sixty years old. There is also a college student. Only three in employment were not sent to labor reeducation, but two of them were dismissed from their jobs and one remained on probation for a year.

In this "transformation class," they did not allow practitioners to take a bath or cut their hair, and did not allow their family members to send food. Because of the example set by the Yicheng "transformation class," another "transformation class" in the east part of Hefei also detained practitioners for four months and started beating practitioners.

December 2000

Some information about the vicious person in charge of the transformation class:

Zhou Yancheng, male, is about 40 years old and 1.60 m tall. He is the president of the administration and security office in the suburbs of Hefei public security in Anhui province. As a trained security guard, he personally beat female practitioners who had fasted. Since he came to work in the transformation class, he has sent away eight practitioners to serve sentences in a labor camp. These practitioners include four elderly retired women.

His office phone number: 86-551-5541986.

Zhang Zhenglan, an over 40 year-old woman, is the vice-secretary of the politics and law committee in the suburbs of Hefei city, Anhui province. She is also one of the major perpetrators in the "transformation class". She, along with her gang, took the following vicious means to torture the practitioners in the "class": Starving them, forcing them to stay in the cold and to line up and do strenuous exercises, not allowing them to take a bath or cut their hair in 3 months, not allowing their family to send food, manipulating their family against the practitioners and beating them, ordering cadres and militiamen to beat up practitioners. They once beat practitioners who had starved for 3 months just after the second day of the hunger strike.

Name list of persecuted practitioners in Hefei city, Anhui province:

Practitioners put in criminal detention or administrative detention (some names are homonyms)

Yu Jun, Song Ling, Song Meiyu, Song Liang, Li Juanjuan, Li Lan, Li Qian, Li Cuiping, Li Jinshan, Li Guozhen, Bi Xiaojun, Liu Jing, Liu Shengli, Liu Luocun, Liu Yuying, Liu Chuanfang, He Chao, Wang Haifei, Wang Shanghua, Wang Fengqin, Wang Kezhen, Wang Li, Wang Yu, Wang Dajun, Grandma Wang, Mrs. Wang, Sun Shudong, Qiu Shunli, Ji Gang, Shi Wei, Huang Liping, Xu Kan, Xu Fulin, Hu Ningsheng, Zhao Gang, Chen Jinwen, Chen Xinxiang, Chen Hua, Mei Ting, Ma Shuan, Teacher Ma, Ma Wandong, Ling Rude, Zheng Deming, Ji Guangkui, Yang Jianzhong, Ou Bin, Wu Yuedi, Zuo Qixiang, Ni Mei, Zhu Ruijin, Qu Linxian, Wu Hui, Liang Yuying, Zhang Jin, Zhang Guiqin, Zhang Heping, Zhang Yushu, Zhang Jiakang, Zhang Yongdi, Zhang Bingling, Zhang Yuxiang, Zhang Yulian, Zhang Yishu, Zhang Changping, Zhang Junru, Zhou Jizhao, Zhao Caihua, Zhao Huizhen, Zhao Tongkui, Zhao Shuhua, Liang Guiying, Sister Xie, Luo Ming, Qiu Jiazhen, Hu Wenye, Sun Ruhai, Mrs Cao, Shen XX, Grandma Yang, Grandpa Yang, Xia Xiuzhen, Wen Yan, Fang XiuZhi, Shi Xianbing, He Zhangqin, Grandma Ge, Shen Wenying, Ding Qizhi, Guan Huaihai, Sun Shicheng, Zhou Qingli and his wife, Fei Ling, Zhu Songlin, Tang Dafeng, Xu Xiaoxian, Grandma Dai, Peng Haiying, Wu Jingqing, Liu Gang

Practitioners sentenced to imprisonment

Wu Yunrui (4 years), Wang Jun (4 years), Jiang Feng (3 years), Li Xuefeng (3.5 years after first trial), Yang Jingfang (1 year)

Practitioners arrested

Zhang Jie, Li Gangfeng, Xia Yumei, Pan Yanyan, Chen Jing.

Practitioners sent to labor reeducation camp

Bai Yun, Ji Guangjie, Hu Wenkui, Wang Jian, Wang Xiuying, Wang Yuefang, Zhang Guoqing, Zhang Xiaowen, Zhang Shuying, Li Song, Li Mei, Li Qun, Liu Dehua, Liu Xiaomei, Song Hong, Cao Ping, Sun Shuangxi, Ji Guangying, Hu Guisheng, Grandma Yang, Hu Ziqing, Su Shizhen, Ruan XX, Wei Kaizhi, Lu Daozhen, Sun XX, Shi Changying

Practitioners forced to a mental hospital

Qu Yanan, Wu Xiaohua

Organized by Practitioners in China

January 2001