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Exposing the Evil

Jan. 20, 2001

[Clearwisdom.net] The following occurrences were witnessed on December 26th, 2000 in Fangshan Detention Center in Beijing, by two practitioners from Jilin Province, Liu Yuhua and Sun Lirong, who were illegally detained for making a peaceful appeal on behalf of Falun Dafa (Great Law; Universal Principles) in Beijing.

The terrifying ordeal of a female practitioner, in her 30's, from the Yu County, Jilin Province began when the police handcuffed her hands to her back and then shackled her feet together. This put her in an awful situation, as she was unable to move freely and could hardly take care of herself. She remained in this condition for over 15 days. The handcuffs gradually cut her flesh and her hands and feet became festered form the prolonged use of the handcuffs and shackles; she was not even allowed to wear shoes! Her condition grew quite miserable. She went on a hunger strike to protest her brutal treatment, however, they force-fed her every three days. The prison wardens coerced her to sign her name to renounce her practice and by smashing her head against the wall if she refused. She said, "I cannot sign. If I sign, then they can use it to shirk their legal responsibility in case I die here." Her present feelings are that she might just as well die inside the prison than compromise her belief.

On a different account a practitioner refused to give his name to the officers. As a punishment the police handcuffed him to a heater, causing his right wrist to lose a piece of flesh about 3 inches long. The skin around the wound was cooked and fluid oozed from the wound. During their departure Yuhua and Sun Lirong, witnessed two more practitioners being put in heavy handcuffs and shackles.

  1. Practitioner Wang Yanping, went to Tiananmen Square on December 21st, 2000. As she approached Tiananmen, two policemen dragged her into a police van. She was then led to the Qianmen Police Branch Office, and then to Xicheng District Branch Office. The police continued their assault and stripped her clothes off outdoors to perform a body search. This was clearly unnecessary, as she was harmless. When back in prison, the warden ordered criminal inmates to search her naked body. Her only means of proving her innocence was to go on a hunger strike. On the fourth day she was force-fed, then on the sixth day she was sent to her hometown local police branch office of Xingtai City, Hebei Province and later to Nangong Detention Center. When she was finally released from the Beijing office on the 28th of December, sadly all her money and belongings were confiscated, even the shoes she was wearing!
  2. Several practitioners from Hebei Province spent 3 days and 3 nights walking their way to Tiananmen in Beijing, they had to take serious precautions to avoid police. The police were searching for Falun Gong practitioners alongside roads to Beijing.

Around the 23rd of December, the police and plainclothes sent arrested Falun Dafa practitioners to various branch offices in Beijing and tried everything in their power to extract information from them.

  1. In Shijingshan Branch Office, a policeman handcuffed practitioner Liu Juping, to a bench, forced her to squat down and pummeled her with fists and kicks. After that they led her to a cold room, took off her outfit, and poured 4 basins of cold water on her, and one basin on her outfit. The police then said, "tomorrow when I am in the mood, I will come play with you, first pour some cold water on you, then some hot water." This police's name is Xu Wenbin.
  2. Practitioner Song Lijuan, from Jilin Province was led to Beijing Daxing County Branch Office. The policeman Zhang Shinian, forced her to take off her clothes and made her stand outdoors in bare-feet.
  3. Practitioner Li Shiping and Li Shixin were sent to Xihongmen Branch Police Office in Daxing County, Beijing. Policemen Li Changyou and Feng Runli, handcuffed Li Shixin, to a tree and beat him on the face, wrists, and neck with electric batons. He was then left barefoot to stand outdoors for over 4 hours, he had not even a chance to go to the restroom. The police said, "the detention of Falun Gong practitioners has no term limit, there are no human rights here".
  4. Practitioner Chen Congyu, was sent to Yinhe Branch Police Office of Shunyi County in Beijing. He refused to give his name. Number 048816 policeman took off his outer clothes, leaving Chen in his underwear and pants, they then continued by handcuffing him to an iron pole. After 30 minutes had passed the police took him indoors to beat him. This was followed by again taking him outdoors to beat various parts of his body.
  5. Shijingshan Branch Office in Beijing force-fed practitioners who were on hunger strikes with a bag of soybean drink and 4 spools of salt. The police ordered the inmates to force-feed the practitioners. After the force-feeding took place, practitioners were subject to extreme thirst from the dehydration effect of the salt. All requests for water were denied.
  6. Yu Jingze, a 55 years old female practitioner from Jilin Province was detained in Shunyi County Branch Office in Beijing. There were three plainclothes beating her with electric batons. The plainclothes then said, "let me tell you plainly, even if we beat you to death you have to tell us what we want."
  7. From this collection of horrific acts against humanity; we urge you, the reader, all groups of conscious, all organizations, institutions and governments to step forward and aid with your support to stop Jiang Zemin and his most brutal crackdown on Falun Gong.

Thank you!