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Maximally Give Up Attachments and Melt into the Process of Fa Rectification

Jan. 28, 2001 |   A Dafa practitioner from Mainland China

[Clearwisdom.net] The Teacher says in Lectures in Switzerland, "I am able to maximally give up everything I have, therefore, I can unlock all these." We have long thought that our Teacher is talking about himself, and that it had nothing to do with the students. Not until fellow practitioners enlightened to a deeper meaning of these words has our old concept been changed.

More than 130 Dafa practitioners have given up everything they have in the midst of the Fa-rectification. Elderly Xuan Chengxi died of the brutal beating of a vicious policeman, but he, with his life, prevented the distribution channels of the "truth-clarifying materials" from being damaged. Du Xu took all abuse himself in order to protect other practitioners. As a result of a brutal beating, he remained in a state of unconsciousness during his entire 43-day captivity. Right after he regained consciousness and just before dying, he started reciting, "Cultivation, Xinxing is the pathway. Dafa is enormous and without boundary, forbearing the bitterness will sail one to destiny." [a poem in Hong Yin, Teacher Li's poem collection]. He repeated "Forbearance" until he passed away with a smile on his face...

In Lectures in Western US Conference, the Teacher says," A Buddha or a God is able to give up his life for all beings and for the benefit of the cosmos. He is able to calmly abandon everything, with his heart being unmoved." If there were no constant abandonment of attachments during genuine cultivation, how would we meet the standard of the enlightened beings?

In the process of clarifying the truth at present, numerous practitioners have stepped forward again and again. They have created various ways to clarify the truth, including solemnly safeguarding the Fa in Tiananmen, resisting evil in jails with their very lives, hanging banners and distributing materials on streets and lanes, and personally introducing people to the Fa at every opportunity, etc. Meanwhile, overseas practitioners have made every effort day and night to expose the evil by adopting various effective means. If our fellow practitioners' tremendous suffering could not inspire us to strive forward and make further sacrifices, isn't that covert apathy? In light of all of this suffering, if we slacken our own efforts due to laziness and the desire for temporary comfort, for self-satisfaction, as well as for covert selfishness, cannot we awaken or feel ashamed? Isn't that an inner obstacle?

What we have put forth is just scratching the surface. Our Honorable Teacher, however, has endured much more for us." I have completely strained myself for all beings. I have exhausted almost everything I have for all beings."[Lectures in Switzerland] The fellow practitioners, who have been enduring tremendous hardship and exhausted their lives, are waiting, amidst their suffering, for other practitioners to break away from humanness. They're also waiting for us to reach the realm of selflessness as soon as possible.

What Zhao Xin sacrificed, suffering of half-year of paralysis, helped numerous people untie their knots . It has not only completely exposed the evil and radically awakened her beloved people to the reality, awakened the consciousness of her teachers, students and friends at her workplace, but has also released the practitioners in several districts of Beijing who were also closely related. Besides these, many people, both inside and outside China, have been affected by the levels of wisdom she attained etc. Before dying, she called out in a thin voice," Mom." Can we "say" to our inborn mom, just like what she did, "Mom, I've exhausted everything I have, and fulfilled my age-old pledge."?

If we cannot, what is obstructing us from that? It is definitely not we ourselves.

The ways that each Dafa particle creates and makes sacrifices are not all the same. We are all playing our own essential roles in the midst of "exposing the evil and clarifying the truth." Each link is absolutely necessary. However, all of us have to reach the realm of "selflessness." Can I say that the sooner we meet the standards, the sooner the evil will of itself no longer exist? Is it our own obstacles that are hindering the process of Fa-rectification?

How can our limited and conditional sacrifices match our original pledges? Our Honorable Teacher, who has suffered tremendously and the practitioners, amidst hardships, are waiting for us to rise to meet the standards of selflessness, completely melt into the process of Fa-rectification, and play our most effective roles respectively. This is the last step after having made our sacrifices for several thousand years, and it is also the last opportunity that the universe gives us.

[Note: For reference -* Fa rectification - purification of the cosmos, in all dimensions, in accordance with the universal characteristics of Zhen Shan Ren (Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance) . However, this profound concept has boundless meaning .]