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List of Abusive Policemen And Inmates In Shijiazhuang Labor Camp

Jan. 28, 2001

[Clearwisdom] Shijiazhuang Labor Camp is filled with abusive policemen and inmates, who have been treating Falun Dafa practitioners outrageously. Many of them have been exposed at clearwisdom.net, and we have collected and edited the following two lists:

I. A List of the abusive policemen of the labor camp

1. Wang Bingfang, male, Secretary of the Political Committee, Shijiazhuang Labor Camp.

He is known as one of the cruelest police leaders of the camp. He directly encouraged other police officers and even inmates to beat jailed Dafa practitioners, and he fiercely force-fed Dafa practitioners who were on hunger strikes. He ignored Dafa practitioners' reports of being beaten by other inmates, but dismissed those practitioners as "trouble makers". Since March 13, 2000, whenever practitioners refused forced labor, he punished them by ordering them to stand against walls for 17~18 hours per day, up to 45 days. The punishment caused practitioners' legs to swell extensively, their faces to be sunburned, and some of them even passed out. Since May 1, 2000, he sent the practitioners on hunger strikes to the No. 3 Section to be punished brutally.

2. Shang Changming, male, the Chief of the No. 4 Section.

He is one of the infamous police leaders of the No. 4 Section. He often leads other policemen in beating Dafa practitioners. He forced Falun Dafa practitioners to work from 6:30 AM to midnight, more than 17-18 hours everyday, 7 days per week. When some practitioners refused to work, he forced them to stand for long periods of time then march or run in formation, as he viciously cursed them. Afterwards, he would still force them to stand against the wall. In addition, he also tied up some practitioners, slapped them, and beat them with police batons. When some practitioners went on hunger strikes, he ordered policemen to force feed them, handcuff and hang them up with rope, for periods of up to 11 days. Sometimes he would kick a practitioner to the ground and then trample on her. One day he grabbed a practitioner's hair and beat the person so violently that a piece of skin with hair still attached was ripped off.

3. Geng Xinjun, male, 41 or 42 years old, 1.78 m tall, with a dark, round face. He is a lieutenant in charge of administration.

He is known as the most brutal policeman of the No. 4 Section. He routinely beats practitioners with rubber-covered or electric batons. He grabs them by their hair and slaps them, kicks them, ties and hangs them up, and force-feeds them viciously. He still leads other policemen in beating practitioners, even after some of their legs are swollen horribly from standing and marching. Some practitioners' hips were beaten to the point that the tissue is black, blue, and hardened. The contusions would not heal even after eight months. Several practitioners were hung up and beaten to the point when they were pale, dizzy, vomiting, and nearly losing consciousness. He also force-fed the practitioners 2-3 times per day. Once, when he was force feeding a practitioner, he choked her so badly that she passed out three times.

4. Chen Jianguo, male, chief officer of administration, and communist party member.

He is another ringleader in mistreating Dafa practitioners. He and Geng Xinjun often take turns beating practitioners with rubber-covered or electric batons. He hits each practitioner more than 10 times, at a time, and often more than 20 times. He is so heavy handed that he once knocked out a practitioner with one blow. When the practitioner revived, he continued the torture. Chen also grabs practitioners by their hair, ties them up, and forces them to kneel down on the floor.

5. Li Weizhen, female, officer in charge of administration.

She is known as the most vicious female officer. She used a bamboo switch to whip practitioners on the face, and she also kicked practitioners until her heels broke.

6. Zhou Liu, male, captain.

After a practitioner's hips were covered with bruises after being beaten by rubber-covered batons, Zhou still kicked him down to the ground, screaming in pain. He did not stop the beating but instead continued to hit the practitioner's face.

7. Wang Shumin, female, in age of 50s, Caption of the No. 1 Subsection.

She appears to have lost her last bit of humanity. Knowing that some female practitioners' hips were heavily bruised, she forced them to strip down to their underwear. Then she asked other captains to beat the practitioners there. She shouted, "Beat them harder, right on their hips!" She slapped the practitioners' faces, cursed them viciously, used batons to beat them, and forced them to perform heavy labor. She even directed other inmates, "If practitioners recite Dafa articles, you can curse their Master Li Hongzhi". Thus, she tried to push many inmates to be against Falun Dafa.

In addition, other captains also seem to have lost their consciences. They beat and curse the practitioners, and seem to enjoy themselves greatly while doing so. They even taught other inmates how to beat, pinch, and choke practitioner painfully without causing a lot of visible damage. When practitioners went on hunger strikes, they hung the practitioners on iron bars of the cell window for periods of up to 11 days. Practitioners were also handcuffed to beds and chairs, and not allowed to sit down. If they sat down, they would be beaten even more. These policemen would point at the handcuffs and shout, "This is the law!" They take practitioners' money into their own pockets, and seized "Zhuan Falun" and other Dafa books from jailed practitioners, hoping to break the spirit of the practitioners. These policemen are:

  1. Fu Xxxx, female, the Chief Captain of No. 4 Section.
  2. Shi Yanling, female, Captain of the No. 1 Subsection.
  3. Liu Jiuling, female, Lieutenant of the No. 1 Subsection.
  4. Wu Xxxx, female, Captain of the No. 1 Subsection.
  5. Wang Huanfang, female, Captain of the No. 2 Subsection.
  6. Wang Guifang, female, Captain of the No. 2 Subsection.
  7. Zhi Xxxx, female, Captain of the No. 2 Subsection.
  8. Hao Xxxx, female, Captain
  9. Liu Xxxx, male, Captain
  10. Zhang Xxxx, male, Captain
  11. Nie Xxxx, male, Captain
  12. Qiao Xxxx, male, Captain with a scar on his face.
  13. Ci Xxxx, female, Captain
  14. Shao Xxxx, female, older than 50 years, gate guard.
  15. Zhao Zhiqiang, male, wicked policeman,
  16. Li Zhengping, male, Captain (Home Phone: 0311-7779557)
  17. Jiao Xxxx, male, Captain.
  18. Su Xxxx, female, Captain.

II. A List of Cruel Inmates

1. Li Yixia, female. She is the most vicious female inmate. She violently grabs Dafa practitioners by their hair to throw them down and drags them along the ground. Li also likes to sit on the practitioners as she beats and curses them. Li also chokes practitioners and stuffs their mouths with dirty rags or tissues. She even threatened to stuff their mouths with used sanitary napkins. Li grabbed their breasts violently and kicked their genital areas maliciously, even during their menstrual periods. Li also beats practitioners with shoes to the point that the shoes are unwearable and force-feeds the practitioners on hunger strike. When others did not dare to force feed, she said, "How great would it be if they are stuffed to death!" She was so "exemplary" that she was praised, promoted to cell monitor, and awarded with sentence reductions several times.

2. Zhou Weilan, female, a prostitute. She is another inmate who treats Dafa practitioners in an extremely cruel manner. She grabs practitioners' breasts and pinches their inner thighs fiercely. She sexually harassed and insulted practitioners in various extremely shameless ways. She enjoys torturing practitioners, as she chased and hit them in the yard, or sat on their bodies and beat them. She even viciously tore Master Li's book. She also has been awarded a sentence reduction for beating Dafa practitioners.

3. Chen Ruiqin, female. She often brutally beats and viciously insults practitioners, especially those who were on hunger strikes. She kicks them, slaps their faces, grabs them by the hair, scratches their hands drawing blood, and hits their hands with wooden shoes. In order to stop practitioners from practicing the Falun Gong exercises, she stuffed their mouths with powders of hot peppers, while scattering it on their faces, necks, breasts, and even into their eyes. This caused pain everywhere, and the practitioners could not even open their eyes.

4. Duan Shuying, female. She grabbed Dafa practitioner Li Na's hair to pull her down and dragged her on the yard ground. She and another inmate Zhang Xia, along with other inmates locked practitioners in a workshop and beat them in the dark. For this and other acts, both Duan and Zhang were given early releases.

5. Zhang Xinping, female. She pulled practitioners down and dragged them on muddy ground as she stepped on their hair and kicked their faces until she drew blood. She kicked practitioners' feet so hard that their feet puffed up like purple-colored balloons. When practitioners practiced sitting meditation, she pinched their inner thighs with her sharp nails. This wicked inmate was also promoted to be a cell monitor and later released early.

6. Ma Yulian, female, drug addict. She is this inmate that came up with the idea to scatter hot pepper powders into practitioners' eyes. She cursed, beat, and insulted practitioners whenever she wanted. She slapped their faces, grabbed their genital areas even during their periods, and knocked their heads against walls. After some practitioners went on a hunger strike, they were hung from the windows with their feet off the ground.

Encouraged by the Secretary of the Political Committee and the captains of the camp, many inmates found the camp to be a good place to release their anger and frustrations. They treated Dafa practitioners as a target for their violence, often throwing them to the ground and beating them.

Here is a list of other inmates who are also involved in abusing Dafa practitioners:

  1. He Xiaoping
  2. Chen Rong
  3. Hung Rong
  4. Niu Junqin, swindler
  5. Li Lanying, prostitute
  6. Li Jiemei
  7. Liu Qingzhen
  8. Gao Yuanjie
  9. Bai Jie
  10. He Jude
  11. Li Lijuan
  12. Zhao Dan
  13. Wu Fang
  14. Zhang Xiaoli
  15. Fu Xiufang

The address:

Section 4, Shijiazhuang Labor Camp

8 Nan Gaoji Street

Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050061

P. R. China

Phone: 0311-7793644

Administration office phone: 0311-7777689 ext. 663

No. 2 Subsection Phone: 0311-7777689 ext. 666

Captain Li Zhengping's Home Phone: 0311-7779557