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Persecution Cases of Dafa Practitioners in Wanzhou District of Chongqing City

Jan. 3, 2001 |   Dafa Practitioners in Mainland China

Since July 22, 1999, the security department of Wanzhou district of Chongqing City has followed Jiang Zemin's orders. They ignored the facts that Falun Dafa uplifts the moral standard of practitioners, sublimates the spirit, and benefits both the country and its people. They have repressed Falun Dafa practitioners for no reason. They have used various measures to persuade practitioners give up their belief in Falun Dafa. These measures include: arrest, beating, detention, forcing attendance at "transformation" classes, assessing huge fines, residential surveillance, tapping phones, and even sentences to labor camps, etc. The following documents some of the cases of persecution against Dafa practitioners.

1. He Zhengxiu and Yang Yuying, were sentenced to a two-year-term forced labor education. Minghui net previously reported their cases.

2. Li Jun, male, 30, has been laid off. He was detained in June 2000 for preserving several hundred copies of Dafa materials and was sentenced to one year of forced labor in September.

3. Mu Lunhui, a male in his thirties, is a peasant. He was arrested on July 22, 2000 in an open square. He was brutally beaten many times while detained at the Longbao Detention Center. His right eye was blinded temporarily due to the torture. In September, he was sentenced to forced labor for one and a half years.

4. Chen Guangfu, a male in his fifties, is a driver. In March 2000, he was detained for 15 days for petitioning in Beijing, and was fined a large sum of money. In November, he was arrested again for keeping Dafa materials at home.

5. Ye Zhenlie, a 70-year-old male, is a retired government official. In March 2000, he was detained for 15 days for petitioning in Beijing, and was fined 5,000 Yuan. (roughly 10 months' salary of an average worker in China) During detention, no one took care of his daughter who suffers from a mental disorder.

6. Kuang Liang, male, about 40 years old, is a cadre at the Salt-Industry labor union in Wanzhou District. He was arrested in June 2000 because he possessed Dafa materials. He fasted many times during detention at the Longbao Detention Center. Shackles and handcuffs were put on to prevent him from practicing. Later on, he was sent to Pipaping Mental Hospital for "treatment." He was mentally disturbed after being released from the hospital.

7. Ren Zhou, male, 30, is an employee of the Bank of China. Mr. Ren was detained and shaved bald because of possession of Dafa materials in June 2000. 35 days later his work unit bailed him out.

8. Zhou Kailan, female, about 40, is self-employed. Ms. Zhou was arrested for possession of Dafa materials in June 2000. She was chained for a night to the handrails of a stairwell while detained in Longbao detention center. She was also beaten many times during her detention, and she is now unable to walk normally. She was again arrested and detained for more than 20 days in November 2000 in a case that involved Dafa materials.

9. Huang Depei, female, 43 years old, is a food company employee. She was arrested in November 2000 because of possession of Dafa materials. On the way to Longbao Detention Branch, while being escorted by policemen, she threw dozens of true story materials hidden around her body out of the car windows while passing a bridge. Because the car moved at a very high speed, the policemen could not retrieve a single piece. Ms. Huang was detained for more than 20 days before being bailed out pending further investigation. Policemen warned her husband that if she is arrested again, the deed to his new house would be confiscated, and he would be fined 10,000 Yuan. ($1,200, roughly 20 months' income of an average worker in China)

10. Tan Fenghao, female, 26 years old, is a high school teacher. She was detained for one month for copying and distributing Dafa materials in July 2000. After being bailed out, she was told she would be investigated for one year. Because she was notified to attend a transformation class and pay a large fine in November, Ms. Tang was forced to leave home, and there is no information about her since then.

11. Du Zonglian, female, 54 years old, is a retired worker. Because she sat in the lotus position in a practitioner's house in July 2000, Ms. Du was detained for 15 days in the name of "Disturbing Social Security." In September 2000, she was forced to leave home because she did not want to attend transformation class. After returning home about two weeks later, she was deceived to come to the transformation class by policemen and politics-law personnel using the name of the census.

12. Liu Pingyuan, female, around 50 years old. She was arrested in November 2000 for distributing Dafa materials. After being detained for 2 days, she was released. However, she must "check in" everyday at the security office.

13. Yang Huiling, female, more than 40 years old, is a retired worker. She was arrested on May 13, 2000 for attending a Dafa group study at the home of another practitioner. Then she was detained for 15 days.

14. Zhang Xiaoman, female, 55 years old, is a retired worker. She was arrested on May 13, 2000 for attending a Dafa group study at the home of another practitioner. She was also detained for 15 days.

15. Hu Xingrong, female, around 50 years old, is a retired worker. Ms. Hu was arrested in November 2000 for having Dafa true-story materials. She fainted after being hit with sticks during interrogation. She woke up after being brought to the Sanxiazhongxin Hospital.

16. Wang Zhengfang, female, more than 30 years old, is a peasant from Jiuchi Village. On July 22, 2000, she was detained for 15 days due to practicing in an open square.

17. Ms. Zhang, more than 30 years old, is a peasant from Jiuchi Village. On July 22, 2000, she was detained for 15 days due to practicing in an open square. Meanwhile, she was beaten with bars and clubs until her face turned black and purple.

At present, the freedom of Dafa practitioners in Wanzhou District is being severely violated. They are facing dangers such as being sequestered, summoned to court, and detained at any time. Their family members have also been scared, and are enduring heavy pressure. For example, a peasant from Jiuchi Village was detained for practicing in an open square. Because he was the main bread-earner at home, policemen soon released him but detained his wife instead for 15 days.

December 25, 2000