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Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners in Anqiu City, Shangdong Province

Jan. 3, 2001

[Anqiu, Shangdong Province] Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners in Anqiu City

The Evil Conduct of Police and Officials:

Han Zuxin, Sun Xigui, and Li Qiuzhi cruelly persecuted Falun Dafa practitioners who recently went to Beijing to appeal. They first detained the practitioners in the town. In addition to torturing these practitioners during their detention, they led 20 thugs from the town and 10 from the village commission to ransack the practitioners' homes in broad daylight. Those joining this action included government clerk Cui Qiuzhi, individuals from the police office, justice department, taxation, education commission, village director and members of the village commission. The village Secretary of the CCP and the village director helped them find the practitioners' homes. They would viciously beat any family members (even non-practitioners) who came forward to argue with them. Han Zuxin and Li Qiuzhi organized 30 thugs of this kind to plunder the homes of practitioners in Nawanggao village on the morning of Dec. 21, 2000. Sun Xigui and Li Qiuzhi ransacked the homes of practitioners in Songjia village and Houcao village. Following is the list of victims and what they lost:

Nanwanggao Village:

Wang Ruiwen, male, 59 years old. a TV set and a VCR was taken from his home. When Wang tried to explain that the VCR was borrowed from his neighbor, the thugs beat him mercilessly.

Wang Jinquan (son of Wang Ruiwen), male, 33 years old. The robbers broke into his home and stole a camcorder. When his mother (a non-practitioner) rushed to his home to argue with the robbers, they bent her hand backward, causing a severe injury.

Wang Mingqian, male, 43 years old. A tricycle was taken from his home. The thugs slapped his face several times until his nose bled.

List of stolen items from the residents in Songjia Village:

Song Faguang: a tractor, 3 bags of wheat, 6 bags of corn, 5 bags of peanuts and 2 bags of soybeans.

Song Fayong: a TV set, a refrigerator, and a water pump.

Song Faxiang: a pump, an electronic cable wire 200 meters long, and a water pipe, 200 meters long.

Song Jinlong: 8 bags of wheat and corn, etc.

Song Shuyou: 8 bags of wheat, 1 bag of soybeans, and an electronic cable wire 100 meters long.

Song Peiwu: 8 bags of wheat.

Song Falian: He was fined 5000 yuan. His wife was detained in the Detention Center in Anqiu City.

List of items stolen from the residents of Houcao Village:

Han Dianhui: a tractor and a TV set.

Han Shouliang: The thugs took away a tractor belonging to a neighbor that was parked in his yard.

Zhang Zhenfang, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Anqiu City, was arrested while distributing Falun Dafa literature in a village in Danxiang Town on Dec. 23, 2000.

List of persecutors in Nanliu Town:

Ding Hanbang, Secretary of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) in Nanliu Town, an accomplice of the authorities and one who plans different ways to suppress Falun Gong.

Tel: 86-536-463-1008, 86-536-422-6990(home)

Zhang Liang, Secretary of Politics and Law Commission in Nanliu Town. He's an accomplice of the authorities, an organizer and an implementer in the suppression of Falun Gong.Tel: 86-536-463-1011

Han Zuxin, Secretary of the Disciplinary Commission in Nanliu Town. He's an accomplice of the authorities, also an organizer of the suppression of Falun Gong.

Tel: 86-536-463-1179 (home)

Sun Xigui, Deputy Mayor of Naliu Town. Tel: 86-536-463-1635 (home)

Zhang Qingting, Director of the Police department, Nanliu Branch. He's an accomplice of the authorities and implements the suppression of Falun Gong.

Li Qiuzhi, a clerk in the town government. Her hometown is Buguan Village, Zhaoge Town.

The following men are accomplices of the authorities who are always finding excuses for hired thugs to come and ransack Falun Dafa practitioner's homes:

Tian Shiyu, Secretary of the CCP, Ximenguan Village,Tel: 86-536-463-3596 (home)

Wang Changtai, Head of Nan Wanggao village. Tel: 86-536-463-3653 (home)

Song Peinen, Secretary of CCP, Songjia village. Tel: 86-536- 463-1116(home)

Song Peixue, Head of Songjia Village

List of wicked people in Liujiayao Town :

Liu Yuqing: Secretary of CCP, Liujiayao Branch. He's an accomplice of the authorities and chief schemer in suppressing Falun Gong in that area.

Cao Shiping: Secretary of Politics and Law Department of Liujiayao Town. He's an accomplice of the authorities and an organizer and implementer in suppressing Falun Gong. Tel: 011-86-536- 473-002

Yao Chunguang: Secretary of Discipline Inspection Commission of Liujiayao Town. He's an accomplice of the authorities and an organizer and implementer in suppressing Falun Gong. Tel: 011-86-536-473-6011, 011-86-536-473-0011.

Chen Lianjin: Director of Police office of Liujiayao Town. He's an accomplice of the authorities and implementer in suppressing Falun Gong.

Cao Xihe: a clerk of the town. He's an accomplice of the authorities who is active in cracking down Falun Gong.

Tian Shiyu: Secretary of CCP, Ximenguan village. He's an accomplice of the authorities and is always helping show the way to people who come to ransack practitioner's homes.

Tel: 011-86-536-473-0075

Tian Shanqiang: Director of Ximenguan village. He's an accomplice of the authorities and always showing ways to people who come to ransack practitioner's homes.

Ding Yanwen: Secretary of CCP, Wangjiafen village. He's an accomplice of the authorities and always showing ways to people who come to ransack practitioner's home.

Tel: 011-86-536-473-2598(home)

Zhang Xinglei, Secretary of CCP, Dongshima village. He's an accomplice of the authorities and always showing ways to people who come to ransack practitioner's homes.

Tel: 011-86-536-473-0071 (home)