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Practitioners in England Hold Six Consecutive Days of Marches

Jan. 6, 2001

A group of practitioners held a six day march in London. The march started from the Chinese Embassy in London after the practitioners had practised the 5 sets of Dafa exercises. The route covered Oxford Street, Regents Street, the busiest shopping areas in London, the famous Trafalgar Square and Chinatown. During the 6 days about 20,000 newspapers and leaflets were distributed to the public. There have been many interesting and moving stories. When people passed the Chinese Embassy and saw practitioners practicing the exercises, some of them showed the "V" sign, some of them honked their cars to express their support, some asked for petition forms to sign. Many people were eager to take Dafa material. At Oxford Street, there was a blind man who wanted to cross the road. A practitioner helped him and they had a conversation about our march. In the end, the man said "I want to take your material and ask some one to read for me". After reading our posters and other material people became very sympathetic to practitioners in China. Quite a few people said words like, "Such an evil!" "It's horrible." A man in his 40s followed the group, with tears in his eyes, for a while and signed a petition form. Some sightseeing guides read Dafa materials to the passengers on their bus. Some people also offered to take a bundle of newspapers/leaflets and help to distribute. We also came across some people who visited China and witnessed the arrest and beating of Dafa practitioners on Tiananmen Square in Beijing.

One was a Chinese lady whose uncle is a practitioner in China. She told us that her uncle had been tortured. She herself became interested in learning Dafa.

People are very supportive and sympathetic. An English lady gave some sweets to a practitioner's baby and said "You are right, this is for you". Some Chinese people saw western practitioners in the group and they asked specifically to take pictures with western practitioners. During the march, practitioners also answered many questions raised by the public. Some journalists also took pictures of the march.

Practitioners in U.K.

Jan. 5, 2001