Falun Dafa Minghui.org www.minghui.org PRINT

Raise Awareness of the Persecution at Workplace

Jan. 9, 2001

Editor's note: The following is an e-mail a group of practitioners (who all work at the same company) in the U.S. sent to the Director of Human Resources as well as one of the founders of the company they work for. The information specific to the company and the city needs to be changed before the letter can be used in other places.

Dear :

We are writing to you to request your permission to send an e-mail (see below) to our fellowcolleagues here at XXX Company. This e-mail invites people to sign an on-line petition in support of Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong) practitioners in China who are currently the victims of a brutal and systematic crackdown initiated by the Chinese President Jiang Zemin. Tens of thousands of practitioners have been arrested. Many of these people have suffered severe torture while in detention. Over 100 practitioners have been killed while in police custody. This issue is very close to our hearts as we are all practitioners of Falun Dafa.

Throughout this ordeal, Falun Dafa has received tremendous support from around the world, including a joint resolution by both houses of the United States Congress as well as numerous statements and proclamations from government leaders in Europe, Australia and Asia. In particular, the mayor of YYY City, Mr. ZZZ, recently issued a proclamation, declaring the week of 12/11/00 - 12/17/00 to be "Falun Dafa Week" in the City of YYY.

With all of this support, however, the brutal persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners in China continues. We would like to send the below e-mail to our fellow colleagues to make them aware of this issue and invite them to sign an on-line petition to support Falun Dafa practitioners in China. Please review the below e-mail and let us know if this will be possible. Thank you very much for your consideration.

Practitioner #1

Practitioner #2

Practitioner #3

Practitioner #4

Practitioner #5

Dear colleagues,

A few of us in the office would like to take a moment and ask for your help on an important global issue.

Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, is a practice that has brought better health and inner peace to millions around the world. The practice is simple, powerful, and absolutely free. It is currently practiced in over 40 countries around the world with about 100 million practitioners.

We're writing you because, in the last eighteen months, over 100 people have been killed during the Chinese government's illegal suppression of people who practice Falun Dafa. In addition, over 10,000 Falun Dafa practitioners have been sent to labor camps to face beatings and torture. At least 50,000 have been arrested, and over 600 have been sent to mental hospitals where they have forcibly been given drugs and electric shocks.

You can help improve the situation in China by voicing your support through a Worldwide Petition. Results will be included in reports to international media, human rights organizations and world leaders. Names will not be disclosed. If you choose, you can remain anonymous. Every response makes a difference!

Please follow the link below, fill out the short form and click the 'Support' button to register your response. A brief background on Falun Dafa is included with the petition.

Also, please help us by forwarding this email to friends and colleagues if you think it is proper.


Thank you for your consideration. Of course, these are just our personal views and have no association with XXX Company. We simply wanted to share with all of you an issue about which we are deeply concerned.


Practitioner #1

Practitioner #2

Practitioner #3

Practitioner #4

Practitioner #5

For more information about the crackdown against Falun Dafa practitioners in China, go to http://www.faluninfo.net. For more information about the practice of Falun Dafa, go to http://www.falundafa.org.