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Washington D.C. Holds Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference

Oct. 10, 2001

The world is focusing its attention on the human rights dialogue between the US and China being held between October 9 and 11 in Washington D.C. Local practitioners urgently arranged the 4-day large-scale Hongfa event. Many practitioners overcame various difficulties and went to Washington D.C. to support this event.

On October 8, practitioners successfully held a one-day experience sharing conference, with more than 600 practitioners participating. During the conference, practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts together three times. The conference was concluded at 4:30 p.m. in the afternoon.

On October 9, the human rights dialogue will begin. More practitioners from other states and Canada will join us in Washington D.C. We will hold large-scale group practices, Hongfa events and candlelight vigils.