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San Francisco Examiner: Falun Gong easy scapegoat

Oct. 17, 2001

By Li Mei

THE situation described by Warren Hinckle's column last Wednesday is no surprise to anyone who understands People's Republic of China's strategy and actions ("Mau-mauing the Falun Gong," The Examiner, Oct. 10). When the regime started its crackdown in 1999, it tried in all ways to demonize the practice and forcefully brainwashed its people with their mighty propaganda machine. What was essentially a self-improvement practice suddenly became the enemy of the nation, and remains so, as long as the people practicing it don't become submissive.

What bothers me is how the defamation and allegations extend into the United States, carrying with them the prowess and leverage of a big nation. The PRC is cunning enough, though, to fine-tune the allegations. For example, while in China the founder of the Falun Gong is charged for claiming to be the reincarnation of Sakyamuni -- the Buddha -- in the United States the charge becomes the incarnation of Jesus, though neither charge is true.

I applaud Warren Hinckle's straight article in revealing what is going on, and hope our city and the supervisors will stand firm in upholding the human rights of common people.
