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A Swiss Practitioner's Experiences in Dublin, Ireland

Oct. 25, 2001 |   A practitioner from Switzerland

October 15, 2001

In front of the Chinese Consulate:

A sign in front of the consulate displayed a sign with a slandering message. As we were all thinking positive and true thoughts, a huge, intensely coloured rainbow appeared. From where I was watching it seemed as if it aimed directly at the consulate. As soon as the rainbow became visible, the sign was removed.

Meetings with Consular Staff:

We stood across the street from the consulate building, as a dinner inside was in progress in which representatives from different countries participated. Three practitioners had permission to distribute flyers on the pavement. Several representatives commented that we were doing a good job and that they could not understand the actions of the Chinese government.

At one point a Chinese group arrived, stopped and consulted among themselves whether or not to pass by me and how.

A single Chinese passed me. He was somehow different; dressed better and appeared more hardened. I bid him good evening and asked him to accept the brochure. He replied, "Falun Gong is [slanderous term used by Chinese government]." Without giving it a second thought I replied, "That is not true. You are lying." I said it quietly, but with a smile. It appeared, nevertheless, as if my words were carried all along the street. A policeman approached and stood by, as if awaiting instructions. The ambassador in the meantime spoke with a different police officer who soon after approached the first one and in a calm manner made it clear to him that nothing will be undertaken against me.

During the following ten minutes my words seemed to echo, again and again. One who did not want to accept information from me met with his fellow college students. A spirited discussion followed. My words could be heard again and again.

I was filled with indescribable joy and appreciation the whole time I spent in Dublin. I experienced superficial reservations, when looked at rationally, -- having two small children, no money, no vacation time left, and work -- are easily overcome. Measured against the activities to reveal the truth, every day troubles appear small!

Exchanging experiences with other practitioners in Dublin brought out the fact that, as with the body's meridians becoming one, all students are becoming unified. This reminded me of what Teacher Li says in "Zhuan Falun," (page 297 in the German version) "all meridians in the body will become progressively broader and lighter. The energy becomes stronger and stronger. At the end all ten thousand meridians will become one, so that the state is achieved that there are neither meridians nor points. The end result of opening all meridians is to have all of them made into a whole, whereby the total body of a human being will be changed into a high-energy substance."

Reprinted from Clear Harmony Net