These photos are from the press conference held on October 18 on the occasion of Prime Minister Jean Chretien's departure for the APEC conference in Shanghai. The detailed report can be found at the following link:

Prime Minister Jean Chrétien departs for the APEC conference in Shanghai, China on October 18. On this special day, Members of Parliament (MP's) Mr. Irwin Cotler, Mr. Scott Reid, Ms. Libby Davies, and Mr. Rob Anders join Falun Gong practitioners and Canadian citizen Ms. Jingyu Li and permanent resident Ms. Li Zhang to appeal to the Prime Minister. They urged the Prime Minister to urge President Jiang Zemin during the APEC meeting in China to end the persecution and state-sponsored terrorism against Falun Gong, and to request the unconditional release of Canadian Citizen Jinyu Li's husband Shenli Lin and Li Zhang's husband Lizhi He.

M.P. Ms. Davies emphasizes that over 100,000 signatures of support reflect the Canadian people's voices, so the Prime Minister cannot ignore the issue of Falun Gong during his APEC meeting

Mr. Cotler, legal counsel of Jingyu, delivers a powerful speech praising "Truth-Compassion-Tolerance". He deems that Falun Gong issue is a test for the Chinese government.
Mr. Anders points out that Jiang Zemin's regime has been lying about the persecution against the compassionate and truthful Dafa practitioners.