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Solemn Declarations Made by Practitioners Who Wrote Guarantee Letters Against Their Will

Feb. 1, 2001

Solemn Declaration Between the end of July and beginning of August 1999, I made a self-criticism at the Party Members Conference under pressure from the party organization of my work unit and the police station. I now hereby declare the statement I made to be invalid. I will persist in cultivating Falun Dafa, follow my Master tightly and return to my true nature. Dafa practitioner: Zuo Qixiang January 21, 2001 Solemn Declaration: Anything I have done to oppose Dafa is invalid In the past, because of my deeply rooted attachments, I wrote a "guarantee letter" and uttered something against Dafa and my own will. I hereby solemnly declare that all the "guarantee letters" I wrote in the past are invalid. I will persist in cultivating Dafa, I will not yield before the evil, and I will double my efforts and follow Master closely in the Fa-rectification process. Dafa practitioner Kuang Zhiying from Yiyang City, Hunan Province January 24, 2001 Solemn Declaration I am a Falun Dafa practitioner. Under the pressure of the police and the subterfuge of the "Help and Education Group", my thoughts to protect and rectify the Fa went astray and enlightened to wrong concepts causing me to become unrighteous and to write guarantee and repentance letters. I feel deeply regretful toward Master and Dafa that I have violated the universal law "Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance". Now, I am totally clear-headed, and I hereby solemnly declare: all guarantee and repentance letters I wrote in the past are invalid. Anything I wrote against Dafa is invalid. Falun Dafa is orthodox law! Restore Master Li Hongzhi's reputation! Dafa practitioner Qiao Junhua from Foshan City, Guangdong Province January 2001