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Validate Dafa With One's Life and Oppose the Evil

Feb. 15, 2001

[Minghui net]

My last name is Du, and I am a 46-year-old woman. Around 10 AM on December 29, 2000, I went to Tiananmen Square and opened a banner reading "Falun Dafa is the orthodox Fa". Three or four policemen immediately tackled me. I was struck down by a powerful kick before they carried me into a police car while continuing to hit me. I was driven to the Qianmen Police Station. There, six more policemen surrounded me in a corner and beat me. They tried to force me to tell my name and address. With righteous thoughts in my heart, I refused to answer their questions. I was sent to Dongcheng Detention Center with some other practitioners. Together with all the practitioners detained there, I went on a hunger strike. We used our own lives to protect Dafa. On the sixth day of my hunger strike, I was transferred to Sanchakou Police Station. Policemen in that station were very fierce and brutal: in trying to force me to tell them my address, they handcuffed me to a tree, slapped my face, and left me outside in the freezing cold. On the eighth day of my hunger strike, the persecution intensified: the police sent me to a hospital and tried to force a feeding tube into my nose. When I refused, they tied me to the bed and forced the tube into my nostril. However, instead of getting into my stomach, the tube came out through my mouth. They tried it again with the same result. The doctor said: "She has so much energy in her body, so this method won't work." Then they blocked my nostril and injected water containing sugar and salt into my mouth. I still did not cooperate with them. Seeing this, the frustrated guards searched my clothes and found 300 Yuan (about three weeks' wages). They kept 230 Yuan as the fee for the force-feeding, and used the other 70 Yuan to buy some fruits and bread, which they asked me to eat. I still would not eat anything. The hospital ran out of methods, so the police had to drive me back to Sanchakou Police Station. In the police station, these heartless policemen continued to torture me. They first used electric batons to shock me, and then they tied me up with electric cord. Before they shocked me with the electric wires, they stuffed my mouth with a towel and wrapped my head with clothes (this way I could not move or make a sound). As if these inhumane tortures were not enough, they roared hysterically: "[A certain high government official] said, torture Falun Gong practitioners until they are dead." I said to myself: I should never endure the pain passively and cooperate with the persecution. Instead, I should actively suppress the evil. I should validate Dafa with my life. As a result, the policemen used all these brutal methods in vain.

Around 7 PM on the ninth day of my hunger strike, I was transferred back to Dongcheng Detention Center. Seeing how weak I was, the detention center refused to take me back. Around 9 PM, policemen from Sanchakou Police Station sent me to Beijing Railroad Station and released me unconditionally. In the process of stepping forward and validating Dafa, I thought of this: instead of passively endure and thus nourishing and indulging the evil ones in their criminal actions, if every practitioner could let go of the thought of life and death under any circumstances, actively resist and refuse to cooperate with the evil persecution, then wouldn't this help in assisting the teacher in the Fa rectification process?

[Note: Fa rectification refers generally to the process of spreading Falun Gong to those who are not familiar with it, explaining the truth to those who have heard only propaganda, and correcting any problems that have arisen. However, it is a very profound topic that can be understood better with further study]

A practitioner in China, 01/08/2001