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Dafa Practitioner Lu Chenglin Persecuted to Death

Feb. 19, 2001

Lu Chenglin, a Dafa practitioner from Jingshangtun County, Yichuan City, Heilongjiang Province, was a well-known and good man. In October 1999, he was sentenced to "education through labor" for practicing Falun Dafa, and was detained in the Beishang Labor Camp. During this time, he held firm in his belief of Dafa and Master. He upheld righteous thoughts and firmly refused to compromise with the vicious power. He went on hunger strikes twice to protest the government's brutal persecution and illegal incarceration of Dafa practitioners. The second hunger strike began on the day after the Chinese New Year. He was persecuted to death at 10am, on the sixth day of January of the lunar calendar. He was 38, and the cause of his death is unknown. Lu's four sisters are all Falun Dafa practitioners. Two were sentenced to labor camps, and the other two were forced to leave home. Out of fear of being involved, Lu's wife divorced him. Now, the only person remaining at home is Lu's lonesome and helpless mother. Having lost her only son, she washes her face with tears and lives in deep grief. This is another bloody debt that Jiang Zemin, the king of viciousness, owes to the people. We call for all kind-hearted people to investigate and provide information about Lu Chenglin's death in order to promote justice and punish his killers.

The telephone number of Yang, the labor camp's director, is: office: 0458373 3672146 ext 8003; cellular: 13039673307

The telephone number of labor camp director Zhao is: cellular: 13039673307