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Vanunu And Falun Gong Among Nobel Peace Prize Nominees

Feb. 2, 2001

Oslo (dpa) - The jailed Israeli nuclear researcher Mordechai Vanunu and the suppressed Chinese Falun Gong movement were among the candidates for the centenary 2001 Nobel Peace Prize Thursday as nominations streamed in up to the February 1 deadline.

There is a last minute rush every year, and this is no exception, said Norwegian Nobel Institute director Geir Lundestad. Nominations must be post marked no later than February 1 to be valid, although the Nobel Institute also accepts nominations by fax and e-mail.

But the institute is not very happy about receiving electronic nominations because it is difficult to check on their origin and senders, said Lundestad.

Last year a record 150 individuals and organizations were nominated for the coveted prize, which went to South Korean President Kim Dae jung for his work for democracy and human rights and reconciliation with North Korea.

This year's centenary of the Nobel Peace Prize will be marked with a number of special events and festivities, the details of which Lundestad declined to reveal.

Vanunu has spent 15 years in prison for exposing Israel's nuclear weapons programme. The leader of the banned Falun Gong movement, Li Hongzhi, was also nominated.
