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Some Thoughts About Attachments to Time, Personal Loss and Gains, and Fines from the Malevolent Forces

Feb. 2, 2001

On the attachment to time A practitioner from the south told this story: One time the word was spread that, "On x day all practitioners should go to Beijing, otherwise they would miss a precious opportunity." Some practitioners who had an attachment to time were moved by the idea. In a worst-case scenario, the majority of practitioners in a particular city left for Beijing, including the one in charge of printing and distributing Dafa materials. As a result, more than half of them were detained and sent back to the city. A few practitioners who could not pass the test revealed the name of the practitioner in charge of the materials, thus forcing him to leave the city temporarily. Without Dafa disciples spreading the truth, people in the city again were submerged in lies, and the malicious forces also came back into play. Lessons learned: Some practitioners were attached to time, and to the accumulation of personal virtue. Under the present harsh environment, any attachment hurts. An attachment to time will only delay the time of termination (of the Fa-rectification process), and will be used by the old forces to persecute us. In fact, all of us are aware of the issue. But have you given up the attachment to time? Although the vicious crackdown can hardly last much longer, as cultivation practitioners, let's calm down and ask ourselves this question: if this period were to last longer than we expected, would we continue to exert our best effort as we are doing now? Don't we have an attachment to time? We cultivators should always seek for the upgrading of Xinxing, thereby eliminating the living environment of the malevolent forces. In addition, going to Beijing is not aimed at consummation, but at rectifying the Fa. Past experience has proven that only a heart that is fully committed can be guaranteed of passing the tests. Without a solid basis of studying the Fa, we are easily manipulated by all kinds of human emotions. Exchange opinions with disciples who have not stepped forward On the matter of rectifying the Fa, all ordinary people have only two choices: taking sides with Dafa or with the opposing force. Some ordinary people hold such a mentality: I do not support Dafa, so the Party can do nothing with me; nor do I oppose Dafa, so Falun Gong can do nothing to me even if they stand vindicated in the future. These people believe they are smart. In actuality they are taking sides with the malevolent forces. As disciples, if we do not step forward to validate the Fa, don't we have thoughts similar to the people mentioned above? On the surface, I'm doing nothing, and the xx Party can do nothing to me; as for Dafa, I'm still studying the Fa steadfastly and practicing the Gong; shouldn't I consummate in the future? Or at least I should continue to be a human. In fact, this is an ordinary person's self-deception tactic, and the mentality of loss and gain in play--they lack the real principles, but only want to protect themselves and hold on to their gained interests. Some even told other disciples: "I only hope to become a subject (sentient being) in a Buddha's world." But they never ask such a question: "Does the Buddha want any beings who have obtained Dafa but are unwilling to validate the Fa?" The practitioners who have such selfish and impure thoughts and therefore are unable to step forward are acting like those ordinary people mentioned above. They are actually taking sides with the opposite camp. However, the malicious forces will not be grateful to them. After all, they practiced Falun Gong before. Even if you indeed give up the practice, they will still persecute you, especially in the absence of the Teacher's protection that's guaranteed to you when you were genuine practitioner. Even if they do not harm you physically in ordinary society, they will drag you into the process of total extinction step by step while you feel good as an ordinary person. In my personal opinion, any practitioners who have not stepped forward for various reasons are actually providing assistance to the malevolent forces. No fines should be paid After a practitioner was detained, he was asked to pay 6,000 yuan (roughly one year's income of an average worker in China) for policemen's travel expenses to Beijing. Since he was poor and his daughter also needed money to pay for college, he borrowed money from other practitioners to pay the expenses. The policemen imposed the fine only because of Dafa practitioners' peaceful appeal and the exercising of their constitutional rights. So I personally believe that the fine was not arranged by Teacher to get rid of the practitioner's attachment to money, but that it was a negative element aimed directly against Dafa, especially considering that the money they charged is not only spent on their physical gratification, but also on further persecution of Dafa, such as building jails, hiring roughnecks, spreading rumors, training agents, etc. If we take the initiative to pay the fine, aren't we giving a hand to them ? I'd only like to write so much for now. If there is anything inappropriate in my thinking, please don't hesitate to offer your opinion. A practitioner from Mainland China January 24, 2001