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Who is Evil After All?

March 26, 2001

[Minghui Net] On the afternoon of February 16, 2000, in Taoqu Township, Mengyin County, Linyi City, Shangdong Province, a Falun Dafa practitioner named Shi Zengshang was forcefully taken away by the local police for organizing "Signature Collecting for a Peaceful Dialogue." At the time, his daughter was seriously ill. An emergency phone call had been made to the county hospital and Shi's family was awaiting the arrival of the ambulance, expected at any minute. When the police showed up, Shi's wife asked them to allow her husband to carry their daughter to the ambulance and accompany her to the hospital, but the director of the local police station, Li Changxiang, refused the request and forced Shi to go with the police. The stress of the whole situation was too much for Shi's seriously ill daughter, making her condition even worse. With Shi taken away, the family had to ask friends and neighbors to help get his daughter to the hospital. On the evening of that same day, his daughter fell into a coma. After learning that his daughter was in danger, Mr. Shi asked to visit her in the hospital. To his surprise, the government refused his request, not caring about the danger his daughter faced. With no alternative, Shi asked a friend to guarantee his return to the police so that they would grant him a conditional release in order to visit the hospital. He had been at the hospital for only one day and already government officials chastised his guarantor for not returning Shi. They came to the hospital, took him away and locked him up again. When Shi's daughter was on the verge of death, he had to ask for the help of another guarantor in order to go home and prepare for his daughter's funeral. After medical treatments failed, his daughter died on the evening of February 19, 2000.

Three days later, before he had finished handling the funeral, the local police came and arrested everyone in the family and fined them 660 Yuan (Approximately one month salary of an average urban worker). On February 25, they were transferred to the Falun Gong Transformation Study Class organized by the township government, and were put under 24 hour surveillance. Many times during the period of detention they were forced to endure humiliating parades; they were put on the back of a truck and driven around the township with large placards hanging around their necks. One evening in March, the township government organized a group of thugs to ruthlessly and inhumanely beat up and yell at some 20 core Falun Gong practitioners. A township director named Liu Xinshi picked up a heavy chair and swung it, violently hitting Mr. Shi Zengshang in the back and ribs. It took just one hit to break the chair apart completely. Not satisfied, Liu picked up a chair leg and continued the beating. After a round of beating, he asked the practitioners if they would continue their practice of Falun Dafa. If the answer was "yes," a group of 5-6 officials and goons would gang up and beat the practitioner together. After each round of beating, the practitioner would be asked again if he would continue the practice. If the answer was "yes" again, there would be another round of beating. The beatings continued until around midnight, when Mr. Shi lost consciousness. He was then taken to another room and dropped onto the concrete floor. Doctors examined him, observing that his blood pressure was as high as 180, his pulse was160 and he was short of breath. He was left to lie on the floor unconscious until 9 am the next day; he was then carried back home by fellow practitioners. His entire face was swollen and purple from the beatings. His eyes were filled with blood and he could not see anything. His chest and back were covered with dark purple bloody spots. Two ribs were extremely painful (likely broken). He could not breathe deeply. A little cough would hurt him tremendously, causing him to sweat all over. He could not lie down or sit, let alone turn over. He needed the help of others to use the toilet.

Every one of the nearly 150 people detained underwent similarly ferocious beatings, even senior citizens, ladies sixty to seventy years old were not spared! One of the most excruciating punishments was to force practitioners down onto the ground while two goons each grabbed a leg and pulled apart as if to tear the body in half. The authorities involved apparently lost their sanity and human nature completely. After being ferociously beaten, some practitioners were showered with ice-cold water, soaking their clothes completely. They were then dragged and left to freeze in cold, dark corners of the building. Government officials also ruthlessly beat Shi Zengshang's wife and another daughter. Why were the government officials so cold-blooded and brutal? Because in their plot of trickery and deceit, they wanted to force Mr. Shi and his family members to come out and state in public that his daughter's death was caused by practicing Falun Dafa. They were attempting to discredit and defame Falun Dafa by lying about the cause of her death. Just as the Teacher said, "the human heart is out of control and demon nature shows up."

After this, the authorities forced Shi to pay them over 16,000 Yuan RMB! He is utterly penniless, how could he pay that kind of money? As a result, the township officials led a group of thugs to beat him up every night. They used bats to beat him and kicked his head, stomach and ribs. Their ruthless behavior was frightening to behold and difficult to bear. They also forced practitioners to curse Falun Dafa and the Teacher. At the beginning, the practitioners refused. Later, unable to endure the constant threat of death and the endless torture and mistreatment, Shi unwillingly wrote a pledge to renounce Falun Dafa with tears in his eyes, saying things about the Teacher and Falun Dafa that he knows he should not have.

Next, in order to establish models of transformation, the township government forced him to write speeches for the government. They forced him to lie, blaming his daughter's death on Dafa, and to speak in various "study classes," falsely claiming that the speech reflected Shi's true feelings and opinions. This is the so-called transformation of Dafa practitioners undertaken by the Chinese government.

The brutalities reached an extreme; even some of the government officials had trouble witnessing such cruelty. Before they began beating practitioners, they would drink a great deal of alcohol. During the beating, those in charge would shout out that whoever doesn't beat the practitioners violently enough would be laid off. If anyone was beaten to death, just drag them out and say that they committed suicide to escape punishment.

The extent of the cruelty and insanity is shocking!

It should be clarified that Mr. Shi Zengshang's daughter died of natural causes. She was full of various diseases since she was young, and once was in a coma for over two hours at the age of two. She contracted rheumatic arthritis in 1995. In the winter of 1996, she started to practice Falun Dafa with other members of her family, and her health at once became much better. In the spring of 1999, she stopped practicing Falun Dafa. Since then, her old conditions recurred and she had to stay in the hospital several times. Doctors determined that she died of kidney blood vessel acid poisoning, and her death had nothing to do the Falun Dafa.

Through this tribulation, Mr. Shi's family and fellow practitioners realized and experienced that Falun Dafa is indeed the truth, is for saving people, and is the law of the universe that can fundamentally solve problems in human lives.

Hereby Mr. Shi and fellow practitioners solemnly state: "We unwillingly wrote pledge letters and said wrong things under rod and stick beatings of the government, but our strong determination to firmly practice Falun Dafa and tightly follow the Teacher has never changed. We hereby declare that all our previous wrong activities do not count. We will continue to practice Falun Dafa and pledge to 'assist the Teacher in the human world.'" Fellow practitioners, let's become strong, recognize the current situation, and don't be misled by the evil. Let's recognize the righteous from the evil, and bravely advance forward.

Genuine Practitioners in China

March 15, 2001

List of Authorities Persecuting Falun Dafa in Mengyin County, Shangdong Province

The following people are government officials in Jiuzhai Village, Mengyin County

Name Gender Official Title

Gong Tongliang M Secretary, Communist Party Committee

Liu Changkun M Vice Secretary, Communist Party Committee

Yuan Zhengguo M Associate Head of the Village

Li Mingguo M Associate Head of the Village

Gong Weishi M Party Leader in Pengwu District

Xiong Guiyi M Director, Office of Appeals

Duan Kexia M Assistant to Party Committee

Liu Shaowu M Secretary, Discipline Monitoring Committee

Zhao Bin M Associate Head of the Village

Li Zaihe M Head, Militia Unit

Gong Dianwei M Head, Finance Office

Zhang Lihong M Associate Head, Finance Office

Wang Keyu M Vice Director, Justice Bureau

Zhao Hongguo M Clerk, Justice Bureau

Sun Changru M Head, Culture Station

Xu Simin M Branch Secretary, Communist Youth League

Cao Chuanhai M Director, Department of Organization

Xu Zhiguang M Clerk

Li Zongmin M Government Secretariat

Zhang Xiuli M Party Secretary of the Mozhuang District

Bian Yonghua F Committee Member, Birth Planning Committee

Xu Jichun M Director, Birth Planning Committee

Song Shubing M Director, Estate Management Bureau

Zhao Wei M Associate Head, Finance Office

Yiao Xinwen M Director, Cable TV Relay Station

Zhang Jiahe M Associate Head, Finance Office

The following people are government officials in Mengyin County:

Yang Ming M Party Secretary, Baode District, Mengyin Township

Wang Xin M Government Secretariat, Tianzhuang District,

Chengguan Township

Jiang Huizhong M Reporter, Propaganda Bureau, Mengyin Township

Additional staff members of the Jiuzhai Village government who participated in the beatings include: Zhang Bo (the young one), Wang Yongpin, Shi Shaoyong, Ding Xiujun, Liu Haishang, Liu Yong, Ma Liang, and Wang Kaigu. These people illegally ransacked the homes of 17 families in total.

Bian Dayong Vice Director, Public Security Bureau

Guo Yuanchen Previously Communist Party Secretary Currently Vice Chair, Political Consultative Committee, Linyi City

Wang Changli Associate Party Secretary

Li Zhiye Secretary, Political Judicial Committee

Lei Yancheng Vice Director, Propaganda Bureau. Also

Director, Office of Falun Gong Persecution

Fang Simin Head, Militia Unit, Duozhuang Township

Main operator and headsman, Office of Falun Gong Persecution

Pang Yushang Member, Organization Committee, Tanbu Township,

Mengyin County. Headsman in the persecution.

Liu Xinshi Associate Party Secretary, Taoqu Township. Headsman.

Zhang Zhijian Policeman, Second Police District of the Public Security Bureau

A ruthless headsman.

Shi Qiangshang Policeman, Fourth Police District of the Public Security Bureau

A ruthless headsman.

Li Xiufu Associate Party Secretary, Duozhuang Township. Headsman.

Qu Dongshang Estate Management Bureau, Tanbu Township

Qu Jianshang Birth Planning Office, Tanfu Township

Zhang Minglei Male, Tanbu Township.

Zhang Jiazhao M Agricultural Machinery Station, Tanbu Township

Zhang Huadong M Militia Unit, Tanbu Township

Meng Qinglun Previously Associate Party Secretary, Tanbu Township

Currently Director of the Yedian Township

Li Changxiang Director, Local Police Station, Taoqu Township

Zhang Gan Birth Planning Office, Tanbu Township

Gong Yanzi Director, Local Police Station, Tanbu Township

Tian Liegang M Director, Taoqu Township

Liu Xiangyu M Director, Judicial Bureau, Duozhuang Township

Zhang Shimin M Party Representative, Local Police Station

Duozhuang Township

Liu Yuanjin M Duozhuang Township

Li Mingguo M Vice Director, Jiuzhai Villiage

Gao Baohua M Associate Party Secretary, Taoqu Township

Bao Xitang M Clerk, Organization Committee, Taoqu Township

Li Taide M Director, People's Representative Committee,

Duozhuang Township

Wang Zhongli M Director, Birth Planning Office, Duozhuang Township

Gong Maoqu M Associate Director, Jiepai Township

Song Shifu M Government Official, Jiepai Township

Shi Kuang M Policeman, Jiepai Township

List of People Guilty of Persecuting Falun Dafa in Yinan County, Shangdong Province

Shen Xiangsheng Associate Party Secretary, in charge of Falun Gong persecution

Wang Liyun Party Secretary

Jiang Yulong Secretary, Political Judicial Committee

Liu Zhaoyang Chair of Workers Union

Associate Director, Falun Gong Transformation Office

Telephone: 86-539-3227578

Gao Xiangyi Associate Secretary, Political Judicial Committee

Director, Falun Gong Transformation Office

Telephone: 86-539-3223219

Sun Xianning Associate Director, Public Security Bureau

Telephone: 86-539-3221238

Zhang Shihai Group Leader, Political Safeguarding Group,

Public Security Bureau

Telephone: 86-539-3225260

Qin Libo Director, County Detention Center

Telephone 86-539-3239386

Li Xuejun Squadron Leader, County Detention Center

Telephone 86-539-3236438

Li Xinyou Member of the Communist Youth League,

Member of the Falun Gong Transformation Office

Telephone: 86-539-3231336

Ma Zhenhai County Party School

Member of the Falun Gong Transformation Office

Telephone: 86-539-3232680

Gao Kunshang Science Association

Member of the Falun Gong Transformation Office

Telephone: 86-539-3232680

Liu Zhiyi Group Leader, Political Safeguarding Group

Public Security Bureau

Member of the Falun Gong Transformation Office

Telephone: 86-539-3222020

Fan Sixue Party Representative, Political Safeguarding Group

Public Security Bureau

Member of the Falun Gong Transformation Office

Have frequently beaten up Falun Gong practitioners

Telephone: 86-539-3226919

Xie Hongyi Party Secretary, Hutou Township, A most ferocious operator and

headsman in the persecution of Falun Gong.

Telephone: 86-539-3881002

Zhuang Qiande Former Secretary of Political Judicial Committee,

Dazhuang Village. A most ferocious operator and

headsman in the persecution of Falun Gong.

Telephone: 86-539-3227856

Wang Weishang Party Secretary, Yiwen Village

Telephone: 86-539-3801002

Wang Xiaoliang Government official, Party Committee in Yiwen Village

In charge of Falun Gong transformation.

Telephone: 86-539-3801067

Zhang Zaiwei Associate Party Secretary, Andi Township

Zhu Fasheng Associate Party Secretary, Jiehu Township

A ferocious headsman in persecuting Falun Gong

Telephone: 86-539-3225127

Wang Yongqin Principal of the Second Junior High School, Jiehu Township

An insidious headsman.

Telephone: 86-539-3227946

Article completed: March 15, 2001