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The Truth Behind the Assertion that "Police and Practitioners are Like One Big Happy Family"

April 14, 2001

[Minghui Net]

The following atrocities occurred at the Jilin Labor Camp, Changchun province. On March 9, 2001, practitioner Chen Dexi asked the labor camp disciplinary officer, Liu Xun (a person who frequent beat practitioners,) why he was not being released when his sentence was already complete. Liu Xun began to swear at Chen Dexi and gave him a beating.

OOn the afternoon of March 12, the "re-education" team leader Liang and deputy team leader Han lectured more than ten practitioners and threatened, "If you don't follow our orders we will destroy you." The officers said that the new policy in the camp would be that anyone who did not stop practicing Falun Dafa would be imprisoned for an unlimited term. When the practitioners heard this decree, they protested its illegality and unfairness. Once again they were treated with blows and severe persecution.

Around 9 p.m. on March 12, police leader Liang, Deputies Han and Hou, along with 20 or so police officers holding electric rods, batons, and handcuffs, crashed into a room of the Third "Re-education" group on the fourth floor, where practitioners were practicing the exercises. The officers cursed loudly and beat the practitioners violently, knocking them off their beds and out into the corridor. Disciplinary officer Liu Tao forced practitioner Xia Duanling's legs over the steel bed rails and savagely beat his knees with a rod. Some of the policemen, fearing death might result, had to struggle with Officer Liu Tao for a long time before he would stop.

The practitioners were beaten inhumanely, one by one. Several police would gang up on one practitioner, hitting, kicking, and striking him with electric rods and sticks. About forty unarmed practitioners were knocked to the ground, and many were injured. Deputies Han and Hou and police officers Liu Tao and Wang Lei repeatedly hit each practitioner's head with electric rods. Such a cruel scene was unbearable to watch. A few policemen beat practitioner Bai Jingzhi down to the ground while officer Liu Tao broke his right side ribs. When another practitioner stepped forward to help practitioner Bai to get up, Deputy Han knocked him aside. Even though Bai Jingshi could not get up, deputy Han continued beating him.

On March 14, these guards performed the same cruelties to the Second "Re-education" group on the third floor. The officers brutally beat more than 70 practitioners in the second group for two hours, from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m.

On March 15, practitioner Wu Yuedong was called to the disciplinary office. There, the police kicked and beat him viciously with an electric rod on the excuse that Wu had been reading Teacher's Jingwen (articles).

These authorities have severely violated the nation's laws by physically abusing more than 100 practitioners; however, the labor camp actually advertises the following slogan: "Police and practitioners are like one big happy family." They are using this slogan as a cover for their atrocious crimes.

These are a few of the many examples of torture occurring in the Jilin Labor Camp. We strongly call for the United Nations International Human Rights Commission and all kind-hearted people in the world to give this matter close attention.

Practitioners from Huanxiling Labor Camp (Jilin, Changchun province)

16 March 2001