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A Western Practitioner's Experience in Geneva

April 15, 2001

I was working on the team that was contacting various countries, in order to meet with them to clarify the truth. At that time, getting into the UN compound was quite difficult for Falun Dafa practitioners. I managed to get an appointment with one of the countries with which I was in touch. My contact person had told me to just come to the UN and meet with him there. I knew that this was getting more and more difficult, especially if one was a practitioner. I asked him to fax a letter to security telling them to let me in, which, after 3 phone calls, he did. The up-hill route to the UN was getting very familiar to me. For some reason I was moved to fill my pack with all the literature I could before leaving the Youth Hostel. As I struggled up the hill I wondered why I had decided to bring all this with me. I easily got through security and proceeded to the room where the Human Rights Commission was meeting. Outside the room was a literature table filled with material on various human rights abuses in the world. There was no Falun Dafa literature on it, but there was plenty of the Chinese government's propaganda. I rectified this situation immediately, then left the table for about 15 minutes. When I returned, all of our literature had disappeared. I immediately put more information on the table and maintained guard. Ten minutes later, a Chinese man came by and scooped up our literature. I approached him and asked him to leave our material on the table. He gave it all back to me and scooted away as fast as he could. Half an hour later, a Chinese woman arrived and picked up all the information. I asked her what she needed all of it for. She immediately dropped the pile and grabbed the top two and said she wanted it for her friends and scurried off as fast as she could. I maintained a presence at the table for 5 hours, until my pass expired. I ran into two more thieves while I was there. A Chinese man picked up the magazine "Women of Conscience." I maintained direct eye-contact with him and asked him to read it very carefully. Interestingly enough, he brought it back about half an hour later. By now the burglars recognized me and knew what I was up to. Another man came, and as I watched, he took only one of each of our pamphlets. I congratulated him on being interested in such a righteous Fa. He grunted and left quickly. While I was guarding our literature, I was doing my best to maintain a pure heart and righteous mind. Many good people helped themselves to the truth. I don't know if I will get an opportunity to protect Fa literature again. If I do, I would like to talk these people in more depth. The way they acted when I confronted them told me that they knew that what they were doing was wrong and that they were guilty.