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A Chinese Orphan in the New Century

April 18, 2001

Under the love and care of her parents, seven-year-old Xue Shuang used to have a warm and happy family life. Now she is living the life of an orphan: homeless and separated from her parents. Often she will cry out, "I want my mom, I want my mom!" Why did this happen?

This happened because Xue Shuang's parents, Xue Xinye and Zhou Chunling, went to appeal for Falun Gong in Beijing. They were both sent to labor camps, one in Beijing and the other in their hometown. For not giving up the practice of Falun Gong, Xue Shuang's grandfather has been detained in the No. 2 Detention Center in Hulan County, Harbin City for more than 2 months. Did they break any laws? No, none of them violated any laws. Then why are they being persecuted like this? They are being persecuted simply because they practice Falun Gong, went to appeal in Beijing, refused to write guarantees to renounce Falun Gong, and refuse to cooperate with deceptive tactics. Doesn't China recognize freedom of belief as is written in the constitution?

Only Xue Shuang and her grandmother are left now in a family that used to have five happy members. As if this were not tragic enough, corrupt officials have forced her grandmother to write an anti-Falun Gong pledge. Worrying that the little girl would be left behind with no one to take care of her, the grandmother wrote the pledge against her will. However, the grandmother and her grandchild were not safe even then: since they could not afford the "insurance fee" (a cash deposit; in effect, a fine), they were detained in an unheated office behind locked doors and windows in the town government building. For one day and one night, the grandmother and the seven-year-old child looked around at the cold room. There was nothing to eat or drink, and they were tortured by hunger and cold. The little girl and her grandma huddled together, shivering with cold. They both caught very bad colds, and the girl couldn't help but cry; her tears were falling the whole time they were locked up. The perpetrators did not show any mercy on them; later on, they sent the little girl's grandma to the No. 2 Detention Center.

Just like this, a happy and harmonious family has been torn apart. The little girl's loving parents and grandparents have been taken away from her. She is now living the life of an orphan: no happiness, no songs, only tears and tribulation.

Dafa practitioners in China, 04/13/01